astampoulis / makam

The Makam Metalanguage
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Runtime typing resolution fails while using `dyn` #76

Open teofr opened 4 years ago

teofr commented 4 years ago

The following example shows some kind of problem (as far as I could tell) with how the runtime type checking works (I'm not too sure if this is a bug, or just a misunderstanding from my side)

(eq F (pfun (dyn A) (dyn B) => print "checking in"),
F (dyn 1) (dyn 2), print "done numbers",
refl.typstring F TyF, print TyF, print F,
F (dyn false) (dyn true), print "done booleans") ? 

Which outputs:

"checking in"
"done numbers"
"dyn -> dyn -> prop"
fun ~destruct0 ~destruct1 => newmeta (fun A => newmeta (fun B => and (eq (tuple ~destruct0 ~destruct1) (tuple (dyn A) (dyn B))) (print "checking in")))

If I change the true and false for 3 and 4 it works just fine.

I'll keep trying to narrow what's going on, but my guess is that the (fun A => ...) function is getting (for some reason) globally typed, instead of per application of F.

teofr commented 4 years ago

Another example:

hello : [A] A -> prop.

hello 1.
hello true.

chau : dyn -> prop.
chau (dyn A) :- hello A.

(eq F (pfun (dyn A) => hello A), refl.typstring F TyF, print TyF, F (dyn 1), F (dyn true)) ?
(eq F (fun x => newmeta (fun y => and (eq x (dyn y)) (hello y))), refl.typstring F TyF, print TyF, F (dyn 1), F (dyn true)) ?
(chau (dyn 1), chau (dyn true)) ?

The queries with the anonymous functions break, and both get the type dyn -> prop. The query with chau works just fine.

This is quite interesting, since anonymous function should behave like syntactic substitution.

astampoulis commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this @teofr. This is a tricky issue that I'll try to explain below. The small version (if it helps) is that a single type unification variable is allocated for all uses of the anonymous predicate, as there is no type-level equivalent of newmeta. This is quite unintuitive, but it's expected behavior of how the core works right now, and I am not entirely sure about how we should proceed about resolving this.

As you have seen, what pfun (dyn A) => ... expands to is:

If we were to use fun directly, we would have to be careful, as the following would not do what we would want: eq F (fun a b => eq a (dyn A), eq b (dyn B)), F (dyn 1) (dyn 2), F (dyn "foo") (dyn "bar") This would fail, since only two unification variables are being created: A and B, and once they are unified with 1 and 2, they won't be able to be unified with anything else (or anything of a different type, for that matter). We'd have to use newmeta instead or the pfun shorthand syntax.

Now, when it comes to type variables, things are a bit more tricky, since there is no predicate to explicitly allocate a new type variable, and then say that a new unification variable has that type. (That level of type and term mixing is unfortunately outside what Makam can do right now). Roughly what I'm describing could be:

eq F (newtypemeta (fun t => newmetaOfType t (fun a => ...))

Maybe a different way to say this, is that if the type argument to dyn was explicit, the anonymous predicate would roughly expand to this:

fun x => newmeta (fun (y: T) => (eq x (@dyn [T] y))

When you use a named predicate, new type unification variables are created for all the type parameters, so in that case things work as expected. That's the one fix I can think of right now.

In terms of an actual solution to the issue, I am not sure if I'm seeing yet a way to do this without revisiting the core significantly. The core could allow the user to be more explicit about functions over types and type unification in general. I think that could make some other things more intuitive as well, but it's quite on the long-term side.

teofr commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the explanation, it was more or less what I thought could be happening.

Rewriting the anonymous function as an auxiliary predicate is a good-as-it-can-get hack, so not much to worry.

Feel free to close this issue, or leave it open as a warning.