astashov / tixi

Ascii charts editor
Eclipse Public License 1.0
427 stars 29 forks source link

Can't copy and paste the result out of the browser #21

Open geekpete opened 4 years ago

geekpete commented 4 years ago

Tested on:

Paste not working and no other way to export means the tool can't be used. A simple Save-as or Export functionality would be great.

astashov commented 4 years ago

Does this icon work?


It should give you copiable output.

geekpete commented 4 years ago

Ah :man_facepalming: I just thought this was like a preview/render button that wasn't working or something, never saw the copy/paste text below, I was trying to select in the main interface and copy from there which wasn't working.

I might submit a tiny PR to add a one-page super basic usage guide with screenshots if you're cool with that? To make it totally obvious how everything works.

This tool is really handy for sketching quick Ditaa diagrams which I then put through asciidoctor-diagram to create nice diagrams that I can store/version with git.

geekpete commented 4 years ago

It might be cool if that icon was a more recognizable "Save" button that popped up the text in the same window but also had an Export/Save-As button to download the result.

astashov commented 4 years ago

Yeah, sure, though the version deployed is currently differs from what is in this repo - it's written in Elm now. I need to update the repo it sometime to make it up to date...

GuybrushX commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that CTRL + C doesn't work (anymore?) after clicking that eye icon.

Running Chrome on Windows 10. I had to select the diagram first with the mouse like normal text. Maybe that's intended but not very intuitive? I expected to just press "CTRL + C in the pop up without selecting text first.

lawrenceong001 commented 3 years ago

hi @astashov -- do you know when you can update the repo? I'd like to host this myself.


maelvls commented 3 years ago

It's written in Elm now. I need to update the repo it sometime to make it up to date...

Hi @astashov, thank you so much for your work on this!! Do we have an ETA for the update of the repo? I wish to contribute, and I guess it would make sense to have the latest changes to do so 😇