astenlund / fs2ff

A utility that connects Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with ForeFlight, Sky Demon, Garmin Pilot, FlyQ EFB, and probably a few more EFB apps
The Unlicense
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Tail Number Broadcast #37

Open erayymz opened 3 years ago

erayymz commented 3 years ago

Does the app broadcast tail number along with the position and altitude information? When I receive traffic with FlyQ EFB, everything works except none of the targets show tail numbers. In real life, FlyQ does show tail number when flying with a Stratux.


astenlund commented 3 years ago

It sends flight number if available, otherwise tail number. Maybe FlyQ doesn't like the flight numbers?

erayymz commented 3 years ago

It is possible. i will reach out to them and confirm. Can you please point me to any documentation of the format of data which fs2ff broadcasts?

astenlund commented 3 years ago

Sure, I use this:

It doesn't specify the format for Callsign, though. ForeFlight picks it up no matter the format.

erayymz commented 3 years ago

Does the FS2020 SDK allow pulling the weather information as well? The biggest pitfalls of connecting a sim to an efb, is that you can only push traffic and ahrs info, It would be amazing to push weather information as well similar to how a device like Stratiux broadcast weather info to efbs. Following is a guide that shows how Stratux broadcast data to efbs.

I asked Flyq regarding how they actually expect the data from the simulator. Hopefully they give me a siilar document like you posted from Foreflight.

astenlund commented 3 years ago

I think it's possible to get weather from the SDK and then send the data in the GDL 90 format, pretending to be an ADS-B receiver. I feel like it would be somewhat of a large undertaking, however, which is something I don't have time for at the moment. I would gladly accept pull requests, though! :)