aster94 / Keyword-Protocol-2000

The KWP2000 is a communications protocol used for on-board vehicle diagnostics systems (OBD) by Suzuki (SDS), Kawasaki (KDS), Yamaha (YDS), Honda (HDS) and possibly more. It is standardized by ISO 14230
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't connect with M5Stack and Emulator #6

Closed MurzzZ closed 4 years ago

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to run basic_sample on M5Stack and something goes wrong when i try to connect with Emulator. here is what i see: Emulator Starting ECU Emulator Port already opened Port Info: Serial<id=0x3de1e80, open=True>(port='COM7', baudrate=115200, bytesize=8, parity='O', stopbits=1, timeout=2, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False) You should send me the init sequence! not this: ['0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0', '0x0'] Debug ` User Input: i

Initialize K-line Starting sequence

Sending Echo 81 FD 11 F1 ED 81 4

Receiving: 2D - unexpected header FF - ECU is communicating with this address Unexpected response: Initialization failed `

aster94 commented 4 years ago

Change this line: to 10400 Tell me if this makes it work again

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

much better, but still there is an error: Port Info:

 Serial<id=0x3401e80, open=True>(port='COM7', baudrate=10400, bytesize=8, parity='O', stopbits=1, timeout=2, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Wrong checksum!
['0x81', '0x91', '0xfc', '0x81', '0xf0']
Expected: 0x8f
Sending     Echo

1   - unexpected header
F0  - ECU is communicating with this address
Unexpected response: Initialization failed
aster94 commented 4 years ago

can you try to change also this: PARITY_NONE

I forgot to check the python script before the newer arduino version

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

nothing in python shell:

Starting ECU Emulator
Port already opened
Port Info:
 Serial<id=0x3d71e80, open=True>(port='COM7', baudrate=10400, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=2, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Initialize K-line
Starting sequence
Sending         Echo
81      - format physical
F0      - ECU is communicating with this address
Unexpected response: Initialization failed

and in serial port monitor, i see only echo:

19:59:39 +00:00.185   Capture started on COM7
19:59:48 +00:09.347   Port opened
                      Process: \Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Python38-32\pythonw.exe
                      PID:     19272
19:59:48 +00:09.400   Set baud rate: 10400 bps
19:59:48 +00:09.401   Set RTS: on
19:59:48 +00:09.403   Set DTR: on
19:59:48 +00:09.406   Set data bits: 8 bits
19:59:48 +00:09.406   Set stop bits: 1 bit
19:59:48 +00:09.406   Set parity: None
19:59:48 +00:09.406   Set flow control: None
19:59:55 +00:16.242 > 0000  c1                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.243 < 0000  c1                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.268 > 0000  91                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.268 < 0000  91                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.269 > 0000  fc                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.269 < 0000  fc                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.294 > 0000  c1                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.295 < 0000  c1                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.296 > 0000  f0                                           
19:59:55 +00:16.296 < 0000  f0 
aster94 commented 4 years ago

ok, actually I finished the ideas, the truth is that since the arduino code started working well I didn't use the python emulator I found it was better to test with the real ecu

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

ok. Thank. I'll try with ecu later, and write the result.

aster94 commented 4 years ago

which motorbike are you using?

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

Kawasaki Versys 650 2011

aster94 commented 4 years ago

It Will work without problems ✌️

Il sab 9 mag 2020, 19:38 MurzzZ ha scritto:

Kawasaki Versys 650 2011

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MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

I tried a test on a motorcycle. The connection is also not established. I connected to the TX/RX to see what is being sent to the ECU, and I see that the sequence sent is different from the request. request sent from the debug:

User Input: i
Initialize K-line
Starting sequence
Sending         Echo

request sent to the ECU: c1 91 fc c1 f0

I also tried to init K-Line manualy by sending request: 81 11 f1 81 04, and i see that ECU answering: 80 f1 11 03 c1 ea 8f bf.

Maybe I doing somethng wrong? I use basic_working.ino and define the KAWASAKI motorcycle in ECU(). L9637D connected to pins 16 and 17.

aster94 commented 4 years ago

It looks like it is sending out the wrong sequence, can you post exactly the code you are using? also are you sure you have the last version of the library?

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "KWP2000.h"
#include <M5Stack.h>

// Different core have different way to use a Serial port
#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32)
HardwareSerial bike(2);
#define TX_PIN 17
#elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32)
HardwareSerial bike(PA3, PA2); // RX and TX
#define TX_PIN PA2
#define bike Serial3
#define TX_PIN 14

#define debug Serial


void setup()
    ECU.enableDebug(&debug, DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, 115200);
    //Serial.begin(); this is not needed because we use then same serial as the debug
    //ECU.enableDealerMode(pin); // This is available only on Suzuki bikes

void loop()
    if (debug.available() > 0)
        char in =;
        debug.print("User Input: ");

        switch (in)
        case 'i':
            while (ECU.initKline() == 0)

        case 'd':

        case 't':

        case 's':

        case 'p':

        case 'c':
            while (ECU.stopKline() == 0)
        in = 0;

library version 1.3.0


platform = espressif32
board = m5stack-core-esp32
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
aster94 commented 4 years ago

If I run the same example I get:

Sending         Echo

11 not 12

also where did you take these number from:

request sent to the ECU: c1 91 fc c1 f0

did you used a logic analyzer?

aster94 commented 4 years ago

I just tried in a completely new workspace using a platformio file like yours:

platform = espressif32
board = lolin32
framework = arduino
lib_deps =

and same code (except for removing the header #include <M5Stack.h>)

can you try to do the same or that library is needed in your environment?

You don't need to test it with the ECU you can just print here the serial output

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

I am using IO Ninja Serial Port Monitor. I tried as you wrote: disabled M5Stack.h using your ini. The serial output for the same request (Initialize K-line) is different:

Set baud rate: 10400 bps
Set RTS: off
Set DTR: off
Set data bits: 8 bits
Set stop bits: 1 bit
Set parity: None
Set flow control: None
>> 81 91 fc 81 f0  >> 1 attempt
>> c1 91 fc c1 f0   >> 2 attempt
>> 81 91 fc 81 f0  >> 3 attempt
>> c1 91 fc c1 f0   >> 4 attempt

upd: if the com-port is open with the settings below, all data is the same:

Set baud rate: 10400 bps
Set RTS: on
Set DTR: off
Set data bits: 8 bits
Set stop bits: 1 bit
Set parity: None
Set flow control: None
Set baud rate: 10400 bps
Set RTS: on
Set DTR: off
Set data bits: 8 bits
Set stop bits: 1 bit
Set parity: None
Set flow control: None
Set DTR: off
>> c1 91 fc c1 f0 
>> c1 91 fc c1 f0
aster94 commented 4 years ago

can you post what you get from the debug? (the serial port that is connected to your esp and you probably use to program the board)

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

can you post what you get from the debug?

User Input: i
Initialize K-line
Starting sequence
Sending         Echo
No response from the ECU
Initialization failed

and that is what i see in the logic analyzer

aster94 commented 4 years ago

now it is sending the correct request, but you didn't change anything in your code, except for the include, strange The logic captures are wrong, it is like your board is sending two bytes one right after the other It is similar to an old issue I had on the esp32 but it was fixed months ago

If you are using platformio you should already be using the lastest esp32 core, if not please update it Don't you have a esp32 in a different board, do you?

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

i have esp32 devkit v1 and arduino mega 256. Espressif 32 ver 1.12.1

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

esp32 devkit v1 the same result: request from debug: 81 11 F1 81 4 data in Serial2: c1 91 fc c1 f0 logic analizer:

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

mega 256: request from debug: 81 11 F1 81 4 data in Serial3: 00 c1 91 f1 c1 84 logic analizer:

aster94 commented 4 years ago

The mega Is correct, you are using a version of the esp32 core where the fix is not included

Also the program you are using to get the serial data is not reliable, you can see you have different values from the logic capture

aster94 commented 4 years ago

I found the problem 😄

The error is not with platformio, not with your hardware. The last esp32 release is 7 months old and it doesn't include the fix of the serial. Until the esp32 team doesn't release a new version you would need to manually include the fix

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much! after fixing esp32-hal-uart.c, seems that timing is correct. will test on the ECU in few days.

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

but still strange, that the Serial Port monitor Reads wrong HEX: c1 91 f1 c1 84, that's why the emulator dosn't works. it recieves wrong HEX. I tried another project based on Arduino Nano and I see the correct data.

Session started
Capture started on COM10
>> 80 11 f1 02 21 0a af      
<< 80 f1 11 03 61 0a a8 98   
>> 80 11 f1 02 21 09 ae      
<< 80 f1 11 04 61 09 3c 24 50
>> 80 11 f1 02 21 07 ac      
<< 80 f1 11 03 61 07 44 31   
>> 80 11 f1 02 21 06 ab      
<< 80 f1 11 03 61 06 89 75   
>> 80 11 f1 02 21 0b b0      
<< 80 f1 11 03 61 0b 01 f2  

Logic data:

aster94 commented 4 years ago

@MurzzZ actually I also merged this other commit I don't know if it will solve your problems because after seeing so many errors with the esp32 I moved to the MEGA board for the development of the library. It was safer and I didn't want to debug errors that weren't created by my code

I am sure that the esp32 would be a good board but it is better to wait for these changes to be inside the official release

MurzzZ commented 4 years ago

@aster94 I'v checked latest version (with manualy corrected esp32-hal-uart.c) with the ECU. and it's working!

Receiving:    80
    - format physical    F1
    - ECU is communicating with us    11
    - comes from the ECU    4
    - data bytes coming (HEX)    61
    - data    5
    - data    CD
    - data    40
    - data    F9
    - checksum        
End of response    
Bytes received: 8    
Correct checksum        
Correct response from the ECU        
    Sending        Echo    
80                80
11                11    
F1                F1    
 2                 2    
21                21    
 6                 6    
AB                AB    
    Receiving:    80
    - format physical    F1
    - ECU is communicating with us    11
    - comes from the ECU    3
    - data bytes coming (HEX)    61
    - data    6
    - data    8B
    - data    77
    - checksum        
End of response    
Bytes received: 7    
Correct checksum        
Correct response from the ECU        
---- SENSORS ----    
Calculated: 0 milliseconds ago    
GPS:    0    
CLUTCH:    0    
RPM:    0    
Speed:    0    
TPS:    0    
STPS:    0    
IAP:    50    
IAT:    98    
ECT:    56    
VOLT:    0.00    
---- ------- ----        
Keeping connection alive    

But this is still unusible for the emulator because the HEX data in serial is corrupted. So if I find something else, I will write to you.

And another question, what is the best way to initialize an ECU without debugging?

aster94 commented 4 years ago

it's working!

Great! I am very happy to read this 😁 If you would ever test with other motorbikes keep me informed, I would be happy to bring the library to other models 😀

And another question, what is the best way to initialize an ECU without debugging?

Just delete this line ECU.enableDebug(&debug, DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, 115200); Or, better, you can enable the debug in the setup and you can make a function that change the debug level using this function setDebugLevel(); you can choose between DEBUG_LEVEL_NONE, DEBUG_LEVEL_DEFAULT, DEBUG_LEVEL_VERBOSE

aster94 commented 4 years ago

@MurzzZ I am closing the issue, if you have other questions feel free to ask