For some use cases grid elements that can display information/states would make sense. For instance after implementing it would make sense to have elements that can show e.g. a temperature of a Smart Home control application.
Ideas for implementation:
add the possibility to add a boolean state (on/off, active/disabled) to every grid element. The state can be shown as little dot/bar within the element
add own "state elements" which can show information of any type (boolean, number, text, ...)
own menu/modal to define source of information. Sources could be:
result of a request to an URL/REST API, configurable update interval
internal AsTeRICS Grid states (e.g. play/pause state of YouTube player, current volume, current user, ...)
result of any action performed by an element. E.g. "Youtube Play" action can result in a promise which returns "playing" after the video has started. This result can e.g. be used to show as boolean state for the "play/pause" button.
It should be possible to transform state values. For instance:
"playing" -> "true", any other value -> "false"
HTML response of a weather page -> current temperature as number
For some use cases grid elements that can display information/states would make sense. For instance after implementing it would make sense to have elements that can show e.g. a temperature of a Smart Home control application.
Ideas for implementation: