asterics / AsTeRICS

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Getting the right jars - incl transitive dependencies #340

Closed kalimero0073 closed 3 years ago

kalimero0073 commented 4 years ago

Dear community,

As I am very new to working with asterics and OSGI I am figuring out a way to include the right jars for developing a specific asterics plugin (I'd like to make a plugin that would use the javalin web framework -

When using maven, the dependencies are well managed. However, I downloaded all dependencies (incl transitives) with mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -Dclassifier=sources

I adapted the manifest and build file accordingly, built successfully the plugin, but I get a

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/NoWhenBranchMatchedException

So I assume that I may follow a wrong process for getting the right jars.

From reading the developer manual I could not find an answer to this. I hope I did not miss some apparent solution or guideline for this, if so I am sorry for bothering you.

Kind regards, Kale

klues commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid I cannot really help for this. All I know is that: 1) Unfortunately AsTeRICS doesn't use a good dependency management system like maven. All dependencies are checked into this repository which is also the reason that it's so big. I don't know how exactly this came about, it was before I was envolved in this project. 2) Dependencies are directly checked in into the packages of the components. E.g. here you can see a jar that is used e.g. in the KeyCapture plugin, imported by Require-Bundle: in MANIFEST.MF, see here.

@deinhofer should know more about all this, maybe he can help. If you find a way to integrate maven dependencies in a good way with the existing workflow, we would be definitely interested how you do it.

Just out of in interest: How do you know about AsTeRICS and in which context you want to use it?

kalimero0073 commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply!

About me ... I started working at the KI-I (, with who I assume you are regularly in contact with. For a project (GUIDed) I am exploring asterics, its plugins and the development of further plugins for some use cases.

klues commented 4 years ago

Ah, ok, so you're not from an unknown organization. We already thought someone somewhere far away has found AsTeRICS by accident 😄

deinhofer commented 4 years ago

Hi, @kalimero0073 good to hear that there is some progress :-) You are lucky, I have recently added the libs of maven-resolver-ant-task to easily dowload the dependencies of javacv and bnd-tools to easily create osgi-fied jars:

    <!-- taskdef bnd, unfortunately it's very bad documented -->
    <taskdef resource="aQute/bnd/ant/" classpath="${biz.aQute:bnd:jar}"/>

    <!-- taskdef maven-resolver-ant-tasks -->
    <taskdef uri="antlib:org.apache.maven.resolver.ant" resource="org/apache/maven/resolver/ant/antlib.xml">
          <fileset dir="${dev.libs}" includes="*.jar"/>

    <!-- define repositories for maven -->
    <resolver:localrepo dir="${javacv.dest}"/>
    <resolver:remoterepo id="central-https" url="" type="default"
              releases="true" snapshots="false" updates="daily" checksums="fail"/>
    <resolver:remoterepos id="resolver.repositories">
        <resolver:remoterepo refid="central-https"/>

    <!-- use javacv pom file for dependency resolving -->
    <resolver:pom file="pom.xml" id="pom"/>

    <target name="download-javacv" description="Downloads the javacv jars">     
            <dependencies pomRef="pom">
                <!-- exclude all unneeded artifacts here -->
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:flycapture"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:flycapture-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:ffmpeg"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:ffmpeg-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:artoolkitplus"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:artoolkitplus-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:flandmark"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:flandmark-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:leptonica"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:leptonica-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libdc1394"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libdc1394-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:tesseract"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:tesseract-platform"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:librealsense"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:librealsense-platform"/>        
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:librealsense2"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:librealsense2-platform"/>       
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libfreenect"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libfreenect-platform"/>     
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libfreenect2"/>
                <exclusion coords="org.bytedeco:libfreenect2-platform"/>                
            <!-- downloads the resolved artifacts and stores them at ${javacv.dest} -->
            <files refid="api.files" dir="${javacv.dest}"

So, you could do it the same way for your plugins. If this works, could you please update the developer documentation? Here is how to do it.

kalimero0073 commented 4 years ago

@klues Yeah in this regard there is nothing special about me :D

@deinhofer Hi! Thank you very much for the description! I will study, test it and include it in the documentation as soon as it works!

deinhofer commented 3 years ago
