asterics / FABI

The repository for FABI (Flexible Assistive Button Interface)
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New Button Action: Action according to analogue input value #33

Open deinhofer opened 2 years ago

deinhofer commented 2 years ago

It would be great if you could map the sensor value (e.g. of a pressure sensor) to an analogue action. e.g. move the mouse cursor in x-direction by the amount of the pressure change.

This could be useful for all commands requiring a decimal number as parameter. In this case you could provide the name of the input pin, e.g.:


or even with a simple signal processing

AT MX +2*A0
ChrisVeigl commented 2 years ago

this would be a great enhancment for e.g. sip/puff controlled mouse movement!

but it would require a lot of changes also in the firmware (change of data types, additional parsing of arguments, additional programming logic etc.) and we have very limited flash memory left. BTW: the sip/puff sensor values are centered around 512 so this also must be taken into account.

so this would need a major rework of the FABI/FLipmouse firmware which will probably not happen soon.