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[new-feature]: loader.c: Allow dependent modules to be unloaded automatically #474

Closed InterLinked1 closed 1 month ago

InterLinked1 commented 6 months ago

Feature Description

Because of the (often recursive) nature of module dependencies in Asterisk, hot swapping a module on the fly is cumbersome if a module is depended on by other modules. Currently, dependencies must be popped manually by unloading dependents, unloading the module of interest, and then loading modules again in reverse order.

To make this easier, the ability to do this automatically in certain circumstances has been added, as an optional extension to the "module refresh" command. If requested, Asterisk will check if a module that has a positive usecount could be unloaded safely if anything recursively dependent on it were unloaded. If so, it will go ahead and unload all these modules and load them back again. This makes hot swapping modules that provide dependencies much easier.