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[bug]: commit ddb5c37 makes database id columns nullable #695

Closed fm81 closed 1 month ago

fm81 commented 1 month ago






pjsip, pbx_realtime

Operating Environment

Almalinux 8.x

Frequency of Occurrence


Issue Description

Commit ddb5c37 is missing default values for the database column nullable settings.

Running the database migration with

/usr/local/bin/alembic -c config.ini upgrade head

Before migration, the columns

are 'not null', after the migration they are 'nullable'.

With enabled query logging in MariaDB 10.11 the script generates the following SQL queries:

ALTER TABLE ps_aors MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_auths MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_domain_aliases MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_endpoint_id_ips MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_endpoints MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_inbound_publications MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_outbound_publishes MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL ALTER TABLE ps_registrations MODIFY id VARCHAR(255) NULL


MySQL has special requirements here, since MySQL cannot ALTER a column without a full specification. When producing MySQL-compatible migration files, it is recommended that the existing_type, existing_server_default, and existing_nullable parameters be present, if not being altered.

Parameters: [...] existing_nullable – Optional; the existing nullability of the column. Required on MySQL if the existing nullability is not being changed; else MySQL sets this to NULL.

An alembic downgrade with /usr/local/bin/alembic -c config.ini downgrade 465f47f880be is possible, but the column remains nullable.

Relevant log output

No response

Asterisk Issue Guidelines

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue was closed by #701.