asternic / wuzapi

Simple RESTful API for WhatsApp in Golang (using the Whatsmeow multi device library)
MIT License
105 stars 58 forks source link

Client outdated (405) connect failure #14

Closed punyahenry closed 1 year ago

punyahenry commented 1 year ago

2023-06-15T10:24:40+07:00 INF Already logged in, just connect host= role=wuzapi 10:24:40.510 [Client/Socket DEBUG] Dialing wss:// 10:24:48.665 [Client/Socket DEBUG] Frame websocket read pump starting 0xc000192420 10:24:54.332 [Client/Recv DEBUG] 10:24:54.332 [Client ERROR] Client outdated (405) connect failure 2023-06-15T10:24:54+07:00 WRN Unhandled event event=&{} host= role=wuzapi 10:24:54.429 [Client/Socket ERROR] Error reading from websocket: websocket: close 1006 (abnormal closure): unexpected EOF 10:24:54.430 [Client/Socket DEBUG] Frame websocket read pump exiting 0xc000192420

any update for this case?

asternic commented 1 year ago

Commit c5c2bca updates to latest whatsmeow module and should fix that error.