astm-utm / Protocol

ASTM UTM Protocol (API and sequence diagrams)
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aud is not a required field #29

Closed nasajoey closed 3 years ago

nasajoey commented 4 years ago

We are trying to close the loop on the aud claim. Verbally, it was described as required, but in the documentation it seems to be a suggestion. The auth servers had been implemented without aud as a requirement and was in alignment with this spec as currently written.

See reference for aud as a suggested claim:

Here are the required claims in an access_token, per API:

        The following fields shall be included in the JWT claim for access tokens issued by this authority:
            * `iss`, with the URL at which the token generation request was received.
            * `exp`, with a time no further than 1 hour in the future.
            * `sub`, with unique ID of the client requesting the access token.
            * `scope`, with an array of strings indicating the scopes granted.
            * `jti`, according to RFC 7519.

If DSS is rejecting requests due to missing aud claim, there is a problem with the documentation-implementation agreement. I believe most stakeholders would keep the documentation as-is and ensure that DSS isn't rejecting due to missing aud, at least for the near term.

Unless I'm missing something, which is entirely possible, hence the ticket.

nasajoey commented 4 years ago

And I may have lost track... if this is the wrong repo/spec, please let me know.