astm-utm / Protocol

ASTM UTM Protocol (API and sequence diagrams)
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Clarify behavior of GET /operations/{id} when operation is Ended #42

Closed BenjaminPelletier closed 3 years ago

BenjaminPelletier commented 3 years ago

Most of the API assumes that Operations vanish from the system when they are deleted, and deleting an Operation is the means by which to transition it to Ended. But, if that were strictly the case, there would be no need for the Ended state enum value. One use for the Ended state enum value could be for a USS to return information about an Operation that had been deleted, but this questions as to the proper value of certain fields if that were to happen -- specifically, version and ovn. We should clarify the nature of deleted & Ended Operations.

BenjaminPelletier commented 3 years ago

Per group discussion 9/24 and preceding week, Ended state will not exist in API. Operational intents in Ended state do not logically exist in the system so USSs should return 404 when queried for their details.