astoff / comint-mime

Display graphics and other MIME attachments in Emacs shells
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bug: matplotlib rcParams modified if comint-mime-prefer-svg is non-nil #23

Open pank opened 1 month ago

pank commented 1 month ago

It's great that svg support has been added!

But modifying matplotlib rcParams is a bug IMHO, as it changes the current mpl style (which might have set the facecolor) and therefore (potentially) changes the style of saved figures ( is used for theming and does so my changing the rcParams).

Instead, the facecolor could be set for matplotlib_inline only, e.g. (in syntax):

c.InlineBackend.print_figure_kwargs.update({"facecolor": (0, 0, 0, 0),})

However, if the axes facecolor is set this creates funny results where the plotting area has one facecolor but the surrounding area is transparent (e.g. axis labels and titles). I don't know if print_figure can change axes facecolors. IMHO, even changing the matplotlib_inline figure facecolor is a bit of a can of worms... (And if opinionated settings are applied more or less silently, why not get rid of the horrible tight layout default setting at the same time ('bbox_inches': None)?)

astoff commented 8 hours ago

Sorry for the delay to respond, I hope I will have time to have a look in the coming week.