astoff / digestif

A language server for TeX and friends
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Attempt to call a nil value (method `all_environments`) with args (canditates) #27

Closed acorbe closed 3 years ago

acorbe commented 3 years ago

I am currently using digestif on emacs via lsp-mode (emacs 26.3, just reinstalled everything from scratch. config).

I am running lua 5.3.1 (via luaver) / digestif 0.3.1.

As I try to have auto-completion for the content of a \begin{ block , I get the following error

Company: An error occurred in auto-begin
Company: backend company-capf error "...luarocks/2.3.0_5.3/share/lua/5.3/digestif/Manuscript.lua:867: attempt to call a nil value (method ’all_environments’)" with args (candidates it)


any suggestion?


astoff commented 3 years ago

This is fixed in the current git version

@acorbe You can run digestif via the self-install script method to the get latest version.

acorbe commented 3 years ago

Thanks, awesome