astoff / digestif

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Can I generate tag file from .bib file #40

Closed deshearth closed 2 years ago

deshearth commented 2 years ago

I use digestif with eglot in emacs. But when I put cursor under some citation key, it says "cite info is not available". I have to open the .bib file so that digestif can scan it. Also, the completion is not working either. Is there a way to let digestif know about my bibliography file? When I try to run digestif -g /path/to/file.bib, it says "can't generate tags from it".

deshearth commented 2 years ago

So if I use relative path to current tex file in bibliography command, the completions works perfectly. I used to put bib file name in that command because the path is under standard TEXMFHOME.

astoff commented 2 years ago

"cite info is not available" is a message from RefTeX, it has nothing to do with Digestif or Eglot. You can disable reftex-mode to get rid of it.

As you already noticed, Digestif reads bib files on the fly, no need to generate tags.

Did you figure out the path thing, or do you still think there's a problem with Digestif causing it not to find your bib file?

deshearth commented 2 years ago

I see. So far I’ve been using relative path and it works well. I haven’t figured out the path thing but I guess it’s not a digestif issue.