astoff / digestif

A language server for TeX and friends
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Can I use this lsp on Windows? If that, could you give me some suggestions? #51

Closed yanpeng closed 1 year ago

yanpeng commented 1 year ago

I download this repo using that digestif.cmd, and set the bin folder path into the PATH environment variable. After open a .tex document in Emacs, M-x eglot, it failed to find this digestif. I think the problem is that, the digestif program inside the bin folder is not really a real Windows executable.

So, facing this problem, how can I install digestif successfully on Windows? Thanks in advance.

astoff commented 1 year ago

You can try C-u M-x eglot RET, which will make Eglot ask for the server name. Then type the absolute file name of digestif.cmd.

If that works, then you can try again to find a place to put digestif.cmd so Windows will find it (typing echo %PATH% in the command prompt should give you some hints), or you can just modify eglot-server-programs and replace the digestif command with the absolute name of the script.

I hope this helps!