astra1dev / AUnlocker

🔓Unlock Among Us: cosmetics, account, chat and more!🎉
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Проблема с запуском #28

Open RoViL0 opened 4 weeks ago

RoViL0 commented 4 weeks ago

НЕ понимаю. Скачал файл на ту версию, которую надо. Извлек туда, куда надо. Сделал все, как нужно и не запускается игра... Нажимаю на ярлык игры, запускается BepinEX, черный экран и вылет

astra1dev commented 4 weeks ago

Please translate your messages to english before you send them. I will not be able to understand and help you otherwise.

Darksourse commented 2 weeks ago

Please translate your messages to english before you send them. I will not be able to understand and help you otherwise.

I don't understand. I downloaded the file for the version that needed. I did everything as it should and the game does not start... I click on the game shortcut, BepinEX starts, black screen and crash translate

astra1dev commented 2 weeks ago

Please make sure you follow the installation instructions carefully. Did you extract the files to the game folder correctly? What platform, OS, game version do you have? Can you check the log file if there are any errors and if yes, send them here? Are you using any other mods?