astrada / google-drive-ocamlfuse

FUSE filesystem over Google Drive
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Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR #631

Open rmdtx opened 4 years ago

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

Hi I installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo) installation was fine

but when I run the mount commanr I recieve this error

[root@GXXXXXXX cache]# google-drive-ocamlfuse -verbose -debug -d -f /MYFOLDER/test Starting application setup (label=default, base_dir=). [0.000195] TID=0: Loading configuration from /root/.gdfuse/default/config...done Opening log file: /root/.gdfuse/default/gdfuse.log Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR log file is not helping (me)

[0.000428] TID=0: Setting up default filesystem... [0.000456] TID=0: BEGIN: Saving configuration in /root/.gdfuse/default/config [0.003976] TID=0: END: Saving configuration in /root/.gdfuse/default/config [0.004002] TID=0: Loading application state from /root/.gdfuse/default/state...done Current version: 0.7.21 Docs mode not changed! Setting up cache db...

Also running -cc command to clean up sqlite3 cache is the same

I try to delete the cache.db .. it is recreated (empty) I try to enter using sqlite3 cache.db and seems useable and not corrupted.. because I also try to create a table.. select it and drop it.. all is fine..

I also try to CHMOD 777 on /root/.gdfuse no help

do you have some idea? how investigate? I see a "common" issue is giving READONLY and was due security.. but in this case give a generic ERROR and at least i?m not able to see any detail

I'm using OCAM 2.0.7


astrada commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately ERROR is a generic error code that sqlite3 is returning ( and it it's difficult to understand what it's causing it. Are you using the same user when you run it the first time to get the auth token and when you mount the fs?

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

CIao Astrada THanks it seems not this the issue. issue is coming immediatly running for the first time the "google-drive-ocamlfuse " command too I re-run the full installation on another VM always with the same OS (RHEL 7.6) All command (instllation) and also the google-drive-ocamlfuse are executed using root user

Do you have some other idea? Thanks

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

I did also a new fresh install of RHEL 7.6 + all yum update and the same Any suggestion really appreciated Regards

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

Ciao Alessandro I believe there is a bug in your 0.7.21 version I double check all and checkin differences between environment where "working" and not..

At the end downgrade from 0.7.21 to 0.7.19 solved the problem

Also 0.7.20 seems not impacted from the error.. only 0.7.21

Maybe useful for all other too.. but so a bug on 0.7.21 (or some conflict with other module) regards

astrada commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting that! I think maybe it's a sqlite3 version problem. In 0.7.21 I used partial indexes that are supported since 3.8.0.

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

Hi it can be. in fact SQLite version installed is 3.7.17 regards

TunglinInamin commented 4 years ago

I have this error, but error information only "Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR"

rmdtx commented 4 years ago

Hi Inamin it was exactly my error. it is very generic. if you installed 0.7.21 and you have sqlite3 < 3.8.0 like in my case .. this is the error

If you are in this case, you can try to update sqllite3 to >= 3.8.0 or downgrade google drive ocamlfuse to 0.7.20

instead of using

opam install google-drive-ocamlfuse

run e.g.

opam install google-drive-ocamlfuse.0.7.20

(to remove maybe installed google-drive-ocamlfuse run opam remove google-drive-ocamlfuse

Otherwise I will suggest you to post what which verson you have installed and when you receive the error, otherwise hard for anyone help you


TunglinInamin commented 4 years ago

HI rmdtx I install sqlite3=5.0.1, google-drive-ocamlfuse=0.7.22.

so I don't know why I meet your question.

I try install google-drive-ocamlfuse is normal, I think it's 0.7.22 bug.

svetlozardraganov commented 3 years ago

Got the same error with the following versions:

centos-release-7-9.2009.1.el7.centos.x86_64 google-drive-ocamlfuse, version 0.7.24 SQLite version 3.7.17 2013-05-20 00:56:22

[support@localhost ~]$ google-drive-ocamlfuse Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR

Tried to update: google-drive-ocamlfuse, opam, sqlite3 to no eval. Tried to remove the ~/.opam directory and to start from scratch the entire process again to no eval.

Any idea what else I could try?

Thanks in advance.

rmdtx commented 3 years ago

Hi svetlozardraganov

Read my previous post. I believe you have the same issue I had you are using SQLite 3.7.x so you must use google-drive-ocamlfuse, version 0.7.20

or eventually upgrate SQLite to > 3.8.0 Regards

svetlozardraganov commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion rmdtx

Unfortunately there is no change after updating sqlite3 version:

[support@localhost ~]$ sqlite3 --version 3.34.1 2021-01-20 14:10:07 10e20c0b43500cfb9bbc0eaa061c57514f715d87238f4d835880cd846b9ebd1f [support@localhost ~]$ google-drive-ocamlfuse Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR [support@localhost ~]$

Will try to install google-drive-ocamlfuse 0.7.20

svetlozardraganov commented 3 years ago

Tried with google-drive-ocamlfuse 0.7.25 and still got the error. Version 0.7.20 however works without any issues so far.

Thanks again for the suggestion!

svetlozardraganov commented 3 years ago

The joy was too short ... now I got another issue. The authentication went fine, but the mount failed:

[support@localhost google-drive-ocamlfuse-0.7.20]$ google-drive-ocamlfuse /mnt/GoogleDrive/ This tool has been deprecated, use 'gio open' instead. See 'gio help open' for more info.

Access token retrieved correctly. fusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted [support@localhost google-drive-ocamlfuse-0.7.20]$

r-sherwood commented 1 year ago

I'm facing the same issue on centos 7. After upgrading from 7.20 to google-drive-ocamlfuse.0.7.30 I'm getting "Error: Sqlite3 error: ERROR". Same error after sqlite3 has been upgraded from 3.7.17 to 3.39.2.

7.20 is not an option, cause of deprecated OAuth out-of-band (OOB) flow.

@astrada any ideas how to get it solved?

hlee118 commented 4 months ago

Same issue with me. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04. Anybody who solved the problem?