astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
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Invalid syntax error location for Notebook with `ruff format` #11453

Open david-waterworth opened 5 months ago

david-waterworth commented 5 months ago

I'm getting the error error: Failed to parse notebooks/tickets v2.ipynb:1:1:5: Invalid decimal integer literal when I run ruff format . on a project (previously I was using whatever the default vscode formatter is).

I assume the :1:1:5 is a reference to a cell but I cannot parse it, does that mean cell 1, line 1 column 5? And is it 0 or 1 based - either way the message doesn't help as the first cell contains

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

and the second

from datetime import datetime, timezone

Also pre-commit doesn't seem to complain, not does format on save (vscode setting) which I've configured to use Ruff as the default formatter, it's only when I try and format from the cmd line. I tried escaping the space with \ and surrounding the filename with " "

I'm using ruff 0.4.4 (global pipx installation) and my settings are:

extend-include = ["*.ipynb"]

# Same as Black.
line-length = 120
lint.ignore-init-module-imports = true

exclude = [] = [
    "E",  # pycodestyle errors (settings from FastAPI, thanks, @tiangolo!)
    "W",  # pycodestyle warnings
    "F",  # pyflakes
    "I",  # isort
    "C",  # flake8-comprehensions
    "B",  # flake8-bugbear
lint.ignore = [
    "E501",  # line too long, handled by black
    "C901",  # too complex
lint.per-file-ignores = { "*.ipynb" = ["E402", "F704", "B018"] }

order-by-type = true
relative-imports-order = "closest-to-furthest"
extra-standard-library = ["typing"]
section-order = ["future", "standard-library", "third-party", "first-party", "local-folder"]
known-first-party = []

quote-style = "double"
indent-style = "space"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
line-ending = "auto"
docstring-code-format = true
docstring-code-line-length = "dynamic"
charliermarsh commented 5 months ago

Are you able to share the raw notebook file?

david-waterworth commented 5 months ago

I figured it out, right down the bottom there was as cell I missed containing


Which is clearly invalid - it's actually a fragment of a uri I added at some stage to test something and I should have set the cell to markdown or commented it out. The linter was flagging as an error, I guess the only real issue is the message is a bit cryptic, ideally ruff format would report the cell number at least, and maybe that this is a linter error - the image below shows what ruff reports in the "Problems" panel of vscode but ruff format is leaving out some context (also the message below doesn't include the cell number)


dhruvmanila commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the details. So, yeah the ruff format command does not include the cell details while the ruff check command does:

error: Failed to parse notebooks/syntax_error.ipynb:4:1:5: Invalid decimal integer literal

I can look into it.

david-waterworth commented 5 months ago

Note the ruff check command isn't really including the cell details either - see below, it has line and column number but not cell number. It works in the vscode "Problems" panel because it's linked, i.e. I can click on the message and it'll jump to the correct cell but the message itself would ideally also contain the cell number (i.e. the first message should have suffix [Cell 24, Line 2, Col 28] if that's possible


dhruvmanila commented 5 months ago

I meant that the output in the CLI does provide the correct cell number:

$ ruff check ~/playground/ruff/notebooks/syntax_error.ipynb 
error: Failed to parse /Users/dhruv/playground/ruff/notebooks/syntax_error.ipynb:4:1:5: Invalid decimal integer literal
/Users/dhruv/playground/ruff/notebooks/syntax_error.ipynb:cell 4:1:5: E999 SyntaxError: Invalid decimal integer literal

Regarding the VS Code problems tab, I don't know if that's even possible. I'll need to look into it.

david-waterworth commented 5 months ago

Ah right yeah, I don't think it's an issue in the vs code tab, as I mentioned you can click to jump to the problem anyway