astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
MIT License
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[QA] Should Ruff be able to fix indentation errors (E999) ? #11846

Open andrewcrook opened 2 weeks ago

andrewcrook commented 2 weeks ago

I have ruff setup in neovim as a LSP using ruff server --preview . However, if there is an indentation issue E999 in the code ruff cannot format or fix until all E999's have been manually fixed. Sometimes, it will also cause the LSP to disconnect and no longer be available for python file types when called unfortunately this doesn’t show under LspLog.

Seems to work fine for code spacing issues such as print (x) -> print(x)

Heres some trash code I have been using to test ruffs capabilities and to get some information regarding this issue.

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 11 50 15

Version info

>nvim -v
NVIM v0.10.0
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.1713484068
>ruff --version
ruff 0.4.8

Under Neovim - Cmdline

Fix all

: lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action({ apply = true, context = { only = { "source.fixAll.ruff" }, },})
: LspLog

[ERROR][2024-06-12 12:07:08] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770    "rpc"   "/Users/XXXX/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ruff"  "stderr"    "  33.853014s ERROR ruff_server::server::api An error occurred with result ID 5: A parsing error occurred during `fix_all`: Unexpected indentation at byte range 72..78\n”


:lua vim.lsp.buf.format()

[ERROR][2024-06-12 12:07:49] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770    "rpc"   "/Users/XXXX/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ruff"  "stderr"    "  73.983982s WARN ruff_server::format Unable to format document: Unexpected indentation at byte range 72..78\n"

under Shell


> ruff check
error: Failed to parse Unexpected indentation E999 SyntaxError: Unexpected indentation
Found 1 error.

check fix

> ruff check --fix
error: Failed to parse Unexpected indentation E999 SyntaxError: Unexpected indentation
Found 1 error.


> ruff format
error: Failed to parse Unexpected indentation

default settings when check is running under shell

> ruff check --show-settings

Resolved settings for: "/Users/XXXX/Developer/pytest/test/"

# General Settings
cache_dir = "/Users/XXXX/Developer/pytest/.ruff_cache"
fix = false
fix_only = false
output_format = concise
show_fixes = false
unsafe_fixes = hint

# File Resolver Settings
file_resolver.exclude = [
file_resolver.extend_exclude = []
file_resolver.force_exclude = false
file_resolver.include = [
file_resolver.extend_include = []
file_resolver.respect_gitignore = true
file_resolver.project_root = "/Users/XXXX/Developer/pytest"

# Linter Settings
linter.exclude = []
linter.project_root = "/Users/XXXX/Developer/pytest"
linter.rules.enabled = [
    multiple-imports-on-one-line (E401),
    module-import-not-at-top-of-file (E402),
    multiple-statements-on-one-line-colon (E701),
    multiple-statements-on-one-line-semicolon (E702),
    useless-semicolon (E703),
    none-comparison (E711),
    true-false-comparison (E712),
    not-in-test (E713),
    not-is-test (E714),
    type-comparison (E721),
    bare-except (E722),
    lambda-assignment (E731),
    ambiguous-variable-name (E741),
    ambiguous-class-name (E742),
    ambiguous-function-name (E743),
    io-error (E902),
    syntax-error (E999),
    unused-import (F401),
    import-shadowed-by-loop-var (F402),
    undefined-local-with-import-star (F403),
    late-future-import (F404),
    undefined-local-with-import-star-usage (F405),
    undefined-local-with-nested-import-star-usage (F406),
    future-feature-not-defined (F407),
    percent-format-invalid-format (F501),
    percent-format-expected-mapping (F502),
    percent-format-expected-sequence (F503),
    percent-format-extra-named-arguments (F504),
    percent-format-missing-argument (F505),
    percent-format-mixed-positional-and-named (F506),
    percent-format-positional-count-mismatch (F507),
    percent-format-star-requires-sequence (F508),
    percent-format-unsupported-format-character (F509),
    string-dot-format-invalid-format (F521),
    string-dot-format-extra-named-arguments (F522),
    string-dot-format-extra-positional-arguments (F523),
    string-dot-format-missing-arguments (F524),
    string-dot-format-mixing-automatic (F525),
    f-string-missing-placeholders (F541),
    multi-value-repeated-key-literal (F601),
    multi-value-repeated-key-variable (F602),
    expressions-in-star-assignment (F621),
    multiple-starred-expressions (F622),
    assert-tuple (F631),
    is-literal (F632),
    invalid-print-syntax (F633),
    if-tuple (F634),
    break-outside-loop (F701),
    continue-outside-loop (F702),
    yield-outside-function (F704),
    return-outside-function (F706),
    default-except-not-last (F707),
    forward-annotation-syntax-error (F722),
    redefined-while-unused (F811),
    undefined-name (F821),
    undefined-export (F822),
    undefined-local (F823),
    unused-variable (F841),
    unused-annotation (F842),
    raise-not-implemented (F901),
linter.rules.should_fix = [
    multiple-imports-on-one-line (E401),
    module-import-not-at-top-of-file (E402),
    multiple-statements-on-one-line-colon (E701),
    multiple-statements-on-one-line-semicolon (E702),
    useless-semicolon (E703),
    none-comparison (E711),
    true-false-comparison (E712),
    not-in-test (E713),
    not-is-test (E714),
    type-comparison (E721),
    bare-except (E722),
    lambda-assignment (E731),
    ambiguous-variable-name (E741),
    ambiguous-class-name (E742),
    ambiguous-function-name (E743),
    io-error (E902),
    syntax-error (E999),
    unused-import (F401),
    import-shadowed-by-loop-var (F402),
    undefined-local-with-import-star (F403),
    late-future-import (F404),
    undefined-local-with-import-star-usage (F405),
    undefined-local-with-nested-import-star-usage (F406),
    future-feature-not-defined (F407),
    percent-format-invalid-format (F501),
    percent-format-expected-mapping (F502),
    percent-format-expected-sequence (F503),
    percent-format-extra-named-arguments (F504),
    percent-format-missing-argument (F505),
    percent-format-mixed-positional-and-named (F506),
    percent-format-positional-count-mismatch (F507),
    percent-format-star-requires-sequence (F508),
    percent-format-unsupported-format-character (F509),
    string-dot-format-invalid-format (F521),
    string-dot-format-extra-named-arguments (F522),
    string-dot-format-extra-positional-arguments (F523),
    string-dot-format-missing-arguments (F524),
    string-dot-format-mixing-automatic (F525),
    f-string-missing-placeholders (F541),
    multi-value-repeated-key-literal (F601),
    multi-value-repeated-key-variable (F602),
    expressions-in-star-assignment (F621),
    multiple-starred-expressions (F622),
    assert-tuple (F631),
    is-literal (F632),
    invalid-print-syntax (F633),
    if-tuple (F634),
    break-outside-loop (F701),
    continue-outside-loop (F702),
    yield-outside-function (F704),
    return-outside-function (F706),
    default-except-not-last (F707),
    forward-annotation-syntax-error (F722),
    redefined-while-unused (F811),
    undefined-name (F821),
    undefined-export (F822),
    undefined-local (F823),
    unused-variable (F841),
    unused-annotation (F842),
    raise-not-implemented (F901),
linter.per_file_ignores = {}
linter.safety_table.forced_safe = []
linter.safety_table.forced_unsafe = []
linter.target_version = Py38
linter.preview = disabled
linter.explicit_preview_rules = false
linter.extension.mapping = {}
linter.allowed_confusables = []
linter.builtins = []
linter.dummy_variable_rgx = ^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$
linter.external = []
linter.ignore_init_module_imports = true
linter.logger_objects = []
linter.namespace_packages = []
linter.src = [
linter.tab_size = 4
linter.line_length = 88
linter.task_tags = [
linter.typing_modules = []

# Linter Plugins
linter.flake8_annotations.mypy_init_return = false
linter.flake8_annotations.suppress_dummy_args = false
linter.flake8_annotations.suppress_none_returning = false
linter.flake8_annotations.allow_star_arg_any = false
linter.flake8_annotations.ignore_fully_untyped = false
linter.flake8_bandit.hardcoded_tmp_directory = [
linter.flake8_bandit.check_typed_exception = false
linter.flake8_bugbear.extend_immutable_calls = []
linter.flake8_builtins.builtins_ignorelist = []
linter.flake8_comprehensions.allow_dict_calls_with_keyword_arguments = false
linter.flake8_copyright.notice_rgx = (?i)Copyright\s+((?:\(C\)|©)\s+)?\d{4}((-|,\s)\d{4})* = none
linter.flake8_copyright.min_file_size = 0
linter.flake8_errmsg.max_string_length = 0
linter.flake8_gettext.functions_names = [
linter.flake8_implicit_str_concat.allow_multiline = true
linter.flake8_import_conventions.aliases = {
    altair = alt,
    holoviews = hv,
    matplotlib = mpl,
    matplotlib.pyplot = plt,
    networkx = nx,
    numpy = np,
    pandas = pd,
    panel = pn, = px,
    polars = pl,
    pyarrow = pa,
    seaborn = sns,
    tensorflow = tf,
    tkinter = tk,
linter.flake8_import_conventions.banned_aliases = {}
linter.flake8_import_conventions.banned_from = []
linter.flake8_pytest_style.fixture_parentheses = true
linter.flake8_pytest_style.parametrize_names_type = tuple
linter.flake8_pytest_style.parametrize_values_type = list
linter.flake8_pytest_style.parametrize_values_row_type = tuple
linter.flake8_pytest_style.raises_require_match_for = [
linter.flake8_pytest_style.raises_extend_require_match_for = []
linter.flake8_pytest_style.mark_parentheses = true
linter.flake8_quotes.inline_quotes = double
linter.flake8_quotes.multiline_quotes = double
linter.flake8_quotes.docstring_quotes = double
linter.flake8_quotes.avoid_escape = true
linter.flake8_self.ignore_names = [
linter.flake8_tidy_imports.ban_relative_imports = "parents"
linter.flake8_tidy_imports.banned_api = {}
linter.flake8_tidy_imports.banned_module_level_imports = []
linter.flake8_type_checking.strict = false
linter.flake8_type_checking.exempt_modules = [
linter.flake8_type_checking.runtime_required_base_classes = []
linter.flake8_type_checking.runtime_required_decorators = []
linter.flake8_type_checking.quote_annotations = false
linter.flake8_unused_arguments.ignore_variadic_names = false
linter.isort.required_imports = []
linter.isort.combine_as_imports = false
linter.isort.force_single_line = false
linter.isort.force_sort_within_sections = false
linter.isort.detect_same_package = true
linter.isort.case_sensitive = false
linter.isort.force_wrap_aliases = false
linter.isort.force_to_top = []
linter.isort.known_modules = {}
linter.isort.order_by_type = true
linter.isort.relative_imports_order = furthest_to_closest
linter.isort.single_line_exclusions = []
linter.isort.split_on_trailing_comma = true
linter.isort.classes = []
linter.isort.constants = []
linter.isort.variables = []
linter.isort.no_lines_before = []
linter.isort.lines_after_imports = -1
linter.isort.lines_between_types = 0
linter.isort.forced_separate = []
linter.isort.section_order = [
    known { type = future },
    known { type = standard_library },
    known { type = third_party },
    known { type = first_party },
    known { type = local_folder },
linter.isort.default_section = known { type = third_party }
linter.isort.no_sections = false
linter.isort.from_first = false
linter.isort.length_sort = false
linter.isort.length_sort_straight = false
linter.mccabe.max_complexity = 10
linter.pep8_naming.ignore_names = [
linter.pep8_naming.classmethod_decorators = []
linter.pep8_naming.staticmethod_decorators = []
linter.pycodestyle.max_line_length = 88
linter.pycodestyle.max_doc_length = none
linter.pycodestyle.ignore_overlong_task_comments = false
linter.pyflakes.extend_generics = []
linter.pylint.allow_magic_value_types = [
linter.pylint.allow_dunder_method_names = []
linter.pylint.max_args = 5
linter.pylint.max_positional_args = 5
linter.pylint.max_returns = 6
linter.pylint.max_bool_expr = 5
linter.pylint.max_branches = 12
linter.pylint.max_statements = 50
linter.pylint.max_public_methods = 20
linter.pylint.max_locals = 15
linter.pyupgrade.keep_runtime_typing = false

# Formatter Settings
formatter.exclude = []
formatter.target_version = Py38
formatter.preview = disabled
formatter.line_width = 88
formatter.line_ending = auto
formatter.indent_style = space
formatter.indent_width = 4
formatter.quote_style = double
formatter.magic_trailing_comma = respect
formatter.docstring_code_format = disabled
formatter.docstring_code_line_width = dynamic

I did come across some mentions of this issue but couldn’t find a solution or a definitive answer.

dhruvmanila commented 2 weeks ago

Hey, thanks for such a detailed issue, really appreciate you taking the time to write that up.

However, if there is an indentation issue E999 in the code ruff cannot format or fix until all E999's have been manually fixed.

Currently, Ruff doesn't support linting or formatting a source code with syntax errors. Or, more precisely it only supports certain subset of rules (very few). But, this is something which we want to add support for (linting source code with syntax errors).

Sometimes, it will also cause the LSP to disconnect and no longer be available for python file types when called unfortunately this doesn’t show under LspLog.

Can you say a bit more about this? What do you mean when you say that the server gets disconnected? Is it that the ruff process itself quits while Neovim is still open?

Seems to work fine for code spacing issues such as print (x) -> print(x)

This works because whitespaces are generally ignored except for when it's used for indentation. So, this is valid Python code. While, a mismatch in indentation isn't valid because Python uses indentation to group statements which act as a single block. For example, in JavaScript curly braces are used to define a block of code.

andrewcrook commented 2 weeks ago

@dhruvmanila many thanks for the explanation I thought this might be the case.

Can you say a bit more about this? What do you mean when you say that the server gets disconnected? Is it that the ruff process itself quits while Neovim is still open?

I just start to get [LSP] Format request failed, no matching language servers. until I restart neovim.

So the failure seems to be detaching it from neovims LSP configuration for that buffer I would guess

I haven't been able to get enough information regarding this because it isn't being logged. If I can get information or a better idea about the issue I will raise a new issue.

I do get another error logged via :LspLog

[ERROR][2024-06-12 12:06:35] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770 "rpc" "/Users/XXXX/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ruff" "stderr" " 0.095206s WARN ruff_server::server LSP client does not support dynamic capability registration - automatic configuration reloading will not be available.\n"

Not sure if it's related. I haven't been able to look into this yet.

dhruvmanila commented 2 weeks ago

I just start to get [LSP] Format request failed, no matching language servers. until I restart neovim.

So the failure seems to be detaching it from neovims LSP configuration for that buffer I would guess

Hmm, this shouldn't be happening. I'm trying to reproduce this but unable to do so with the following steps:

  1. Open a Python file with a syntax error
  2. Run vim.lsp.buf.format, check the logs and verify the error is logged
  3. Comment out the part containing syntax error
  4. Run (2) again, here it formats the content correctly

I'm using ruff version v0.4.8 and Neovim version v0.10.0. Can you try these steps or provide a similar steps for me to reproduce i?

I do get another error logged via :LspLog

[ERROR][2024-06-12 12:06:35] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:770 "rpc" "/Users/XXXX/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/ruff" "stderr" " 0.095206s WARN ruff_server::server LSP client does not support dynamic capability registration - automatic configuration reloading will not be available.\n"

Not sure if it's related. I haven't been able to look into this yet.

You don't need to worry about this.