astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
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Make flake8-type-checking's unsafe fixes not fix if a library is used in a doctest #12149

Open mikeweltevrede opened 5 days ago

mikeweltevrede commented 5 days ago

Hi all, curious to hear your opinion on this :) Please let me know if this needs to be filed on flake8-type-checking instead!


flake8-type-checking (TCH) with unsafe fixes on.

Ruff call and settings

Ruff version


Command invoked

pre-commit hooks:

  - repo: local
      - id:       ruff
        name:     Run ruff linter
        entry:    ruff
        args:     [ "--no-cache" ]
        language: python
        types:    [ file, python ]
        files:    .*\.py$

Relevant settings in pyproject.toml:

line-length = 120
target-version = "py39"
fix = true  # Allow for ruff linting to fix some issues. Note that we control this behaviour in [tool.ruff.lint].

extend-select = [
    "TCH",  # flake8-type-checking | Allow for imports only used for type hinting |
fixable = [
    "TCH001", "TCH002", "TCH003", "TCH004", "TCH005",   # flake8-type-checking
extend-safe-fixes = [
    "TCH001", "TCH002", "TCH003", "TCH004", "TCH005",   # flake8-type-checking

quote-annotations = true
strict = true
exempt-modules = ["typing", "typing_extensions", "types"]

Explanation and Example

When allowing TCH to auto-fix, it will transform this...

from datetime import datetime

def my_func(dt: datetime):
    """Example function

    >>> my_func(dt=datetime(year=2024, month=7, day=2))
    return "hello"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

into ...

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from datetime import datetime

def my_func(dt: "datetime"):
    """Example function

    >>> my_func(dt=datetime(year=2024, month=7, day=2))
    return "hello"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

While this seems correct at first glance (no SyntaxError), notice that datetime is used in the doctest. It would be great if the ruff fixer can scan doctests as well for usage.

MichaReiser commented 4 days ago

It makes sense to me that Ruff shouldn't provide an autofix in this case because it breaks user code. Doing this would require that Ruff understands doctests and takes them into account when running the analysis. How this would work is an interesting question.