astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
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DJ006 doesn't detect ModelForm.exclude on inherited forms #14147

Open GitRon opened 6 days ago

GitRon commented 6 days ago


I use the DJ extension of ruff. I just found out that this doesn't work on forms that don't use ModelForm directly but an inherited class. This relates to DJ006.

Code example

class MyModelForm(ModelForm):

class MyFancyForm(MyModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = MyFancyModel
        exclude = ("my_field",)

When I change the inheritance from MyModelForm to ModelForm, it complains as expected.

List of keywords searched for

Tried out Commands

Ruff version


Ruff settings

# Enable pycodestyle (`E`) and Pyflakes (`F`) codes by default. =  [
    "E",       # pycodestyle errors
    "W",       # pycodestyle warnings
    "F",       # Pyflakes
    "D",       # Pydocstyle
    "N",       # pep8-naming
    "I",       # isort
    "B",       # flake8-bugbear
    "A",       # flake8-builtins
    "DTZ",     # flake8-datetimez
    "DJ",      # flake8-django
    "TD",      # flake8-to-do
    "LOG",     # flake8-logging
    "TID",     # flake8-tidy-imports
    "Q",       # flake8-quotes
    "RET",     # flake8-return
    "RSE",     # flake8-raise
    "RUF",     # Ruff-specific rules
    "YTT",     # Avoid non-future-prove usages of "sys"
    "FBT",     # Protects you from the "boolean trap bug"
    "C4",      # Checks for unnecessary conversions
    "PIE",     # Bunch of useful rules
    "SIM",     # Simplifies your code
    "INT",     # Validates your gettext translation strings
    "PERF",    # Perflint
    "PGH",     # No all-purpose "# noqa" and eval validation
    "UP",      # PyUpgrade
    "PLR2004", # Magic numbers
    "BLE",     # Checks for except clauses that catch all exceptions
    "ANN401",  # Checks that function arguments are annotated with a more specific type than Any
    "TRY",     # Clean try/except
    "ERA",     # Commented out code
lint.ignore = [
    "N999",     # Project name contains underscore, not fixable
    "A003",     # Django attributes shadow python builtins
    "DJ001",    # Django model text-based fields shouldn't be nullable
    "DJ012",    # Odd ordering of Django model methods
    "RUF012",   # Mutable class attributes should be annotated with `typing.ClassVar`
    "PERF401",  # Use a list comprehension to create a transformed list
    "TD002",    # To-Do authors
    "TD003",    # To-Do issue links
    "FBT001",   # Checks use of boolean arguments in function definitions, the presence of a bool type hint
    "FBT002",   # Checks use of boolean arguments in function definitions, the presence of a boolean default value
    "D1",       # Missing docstring
    "D200",     # fits-on-one-line - if wanted should be in it's own MR -> effects nearly every doc-strings
    "D203",     # one-blank-line-before-class - incompatible to D211 no-blank-line-before-class
    "D205",     # Checks docstring summary lines not separated from the docstring description
    "D212",     # multi-line-summary-first-line - if wanted should be in it's own MR -> effects nearly every doc-string
    "D213",     # multi-line-summary-second-line - incompatible to D212 multi-line-summary-first-line
    "D400",     # Checks docstrings in which the first line does not end in a period -> ! ? should also be allowed
    "D401",     # Checks function docstrings that include the function's signature in the summary line
    "D415",     # Checks first line docstrings doesn't end in a punctuation mark, ".", "?", "!" -> weird behavior
    "RET503",   # Missing explicit `return` at the end of function able to return non-`None` value
    "TRY002",   # Checks for code that raises Exception directly.
    "TRY003",   # Checks for long exception messages that are not defined in the exception class itself.

# Allow autofix for all enabled rules (when `--fix`) is provided.
lint.fixable =  [
    "E",       # pycodestyle errors
    "W",       # pycodestyle warnings
    "F",       # Pyflakes
    "D",       # Pydocstyle
    "N",       # pep8-naming
    "I",       # isort
    "B",       # flake8-bugbear
    "A",       # flake8-builtins
    "DTZ",     # flake8-datetimez
    "DJ",      # flake8-django
    "TD",      # flake8-to-do
    "LOG",     # flake8-logging
    "TID",     # flake8-tidy-imports
    "Q",       # flake8-quotes
    "RET",     # flake8-return
    "RSE",     # flake8-raise
    "RUF",     # Ruff-specific rules
    "YTT",     # Avoid non-future-prove usages of "sys"
    "FBT",     # Protects you from the "boolean trap bug"
    "C4",      # Checks for unnecessary conversions
    "PIE",     # Bunch of useful rules
    "SIM",     # Simplifies your code
    "INT",     # Validates your gettext translation strings
    "PERF",    # Perflint
    "PGH",     # No all-purpose "# noqa" and eval validation
    "UP",      # PyUpgrade
    "PLR2004", # Magic numbers
    "BLE",     # Checks for except clauses that catch all exceptions
    "ANN401",  # Checks that function arguments are annotated with a more specific type than Any
    "TRY",     # Clean try/except
    "ERA",     # Commented out code
lint.unfixable = []

exclude = [

# For linting and formatting
line-length = 120

# Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed.
lint.dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$"

# Assume Python 3.12.
target-version = "py312"

# Like Black, use double quotes for strings.
quote-style = "double"

# Like Black, indent with spaces, rather than tabs.
indent-style = "space"

# Like Black, respect magic trailing commas.
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false

# Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending.
line-ending = "auto"

# Exclude Django migration files
exclude = ["migrations/*.py"]
MichaReiser commented 6 days ago

It is related to and applies to all other Django rules. Ruff doesn't support multi-file analysis. Some rules have some hacky implementations that follow inheritance chains in the same file, but these are more one-offs and it breaks as soon as you move the classes to different files. We're working on a more refined semantic model for ruff that supports multifile analysis but it's still far out.

GitRon commented 6 days ago

@MichaReiser oh, thx! didn't know!