astral-sh / ruff

An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust.
MIT License
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Meta issue: plugin system #283

Open sobolevn opened 2 years ago

sobolevn commented 2 years ago

I think that the main thing why Flake8 is so popular is its plugin system. You can find plugins for every possible type of problems and tools.

Right now docs state:

Beyond rule-set parity, ruff suffers from the following limitations vis-à-vis Flake8:

1. Flake8 has a plugin architecture and supports writing custom lint rules.

I propose designing and implementing plugin API. This way ruff can compete with flake8 in terms of adoption and usability.

Plugin API

I think that there are some flake8 problems that should be fixed and also there are some unique chalenges that should be addressed.

  1. Explicit "opt-in" for plugins. Right now flake8 suffers from a problem when you install some tool and it has a flake8 plugin definition. This plugin is automatically enabled due to how setuptools hooks work. I think that all rules must be explicit. So, eslint's explicit plugins: looks like a better way.
  2. Special "fix" API and tooling: so many typical problems can be solved easily by plugin authors
  3. Plugin order. Since plugins will change the source code, we must be very strict about what order they run in. Do they run in parallel while checking files?
  4. Plugin configuration: current way of configuring everything in [flake8] section can cause conflicts between plugins. Probably, the way eslint does that is better
  5. Packaging: how to buld and package rust extensions? How to build wheels?

Please, share your ideas and concerns.

charliermarsh commented 2 years ago

Strongly agree. Will write up some thoughts on this later!

charliermarsh commented 2 years ago

The first big decision is: should plugins be written in Rust? Or in Python? I believe that either could be possible (though I haven't scoped out the work at all), e.g., using pyo3. It may even be easier to support plugins in Python given that loading code dynamically is much easier in a scripted language...

However, I'm partial to requiring plugins be written in Rust. It will lead to a more cohesive codebase, allow us to maintain a focus on performance, and avoid requiring extensive cross-language FFI. I'm open to being convinced otherwise here though.

Here are a few relevant resources on implementing a plugin system for Rust:

One of the main challenges seem to be around the lack of ABI stability in Rust. In many of the above write-ups, they discuss how both the plugins and calling library need to use the same versions of Rust in order to be compatible, which feels like a tall order. (From that perspective, one thing that's interesting to me is: could we compile plugins to WASM?)

sobolevn commented 2 years ago

I think that instead of Python based plugins, it is better to provide some kind of query language to make easy plugins very easy. Like in

In my opinion, any complex stuff should be in Rust. This way it can reuse existing APIs and be fast. But, I don't know how many Python developers actually know Rust 🤔

I think another way of dealing with it is to ask exisiting flake8 plugin authors about their prefered way of writting it. Their feedback would be very valuable!

charliermarsh commented 2 years ago

Interesting, Fixit / LibCST has something kind of like that too. It's not quite a distinct query language, but it's effectively a DSL (in Python) to pattern-match against AST patterns.

thejcannon commented 1 year ago

My 2c. flake8's plugin support is pretty rudimentary (operates on tokens/lines plus a handfull of metadata). Therefore if you supported Python plugins, you likely could craft it in a way that supporting flake8 plugins out-of-the-box(-ish) would be feasible.

Then you could have most flake8 plugins available through ruff, and wouldn't need to support new plugins by porting the code to Rust (only if you want to because yummy yummy perf).

(lightly related to

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Another idea: we could build a plug-in system atop This would allow users to express lint rules in YAML or via a simple DSL.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

(That tool is itself built atop tree-sitter.)

ljodal commented 1 year ago

I’m coming to this from a position of having written a flake8 plugin for a very specific need at work, and as part of a larger project. This is not something generic, so it’d never make sense as a built-in feature in ruff. I’d love a way to write plugins to ruff in Python, mostly because it’s convenient as someone familiar with Python and not so much rust, but also because it would be nice to keep a project in pure Python even while interacting with rust.

The specific plugin in my case, oida, was first written as a standalone thing before I discovered how easy it was to add it as a plugin to flake8. It also uses LibCST, for its ability to round trip code, where we do codemodding for its. If it would be possible to expose a similar ast based Python-interface for plugins that would be awesome.

I also have use cases where I’d like to do auto fixing, which it would also be nice to support. The first thing I’d like to do is normalize import statements (relative vs absolute). In order to do that I’d need an interface where I get import statements or ast nodes and the path to the file so I can locate it in relation to other files on the system.

I understand that writing plugin in Python would be a slowdown compared to writing them in rust, but I think that tradeoff would be very much acceptable in many cases.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Very helpful and all makes sense.

Maybe just as another data point for the thread: when I was at Spring Discovery, we wrote a few Flake8 plugins to enforce highly codebase-specific rules.

For example:

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

So in that light, I think there are different categories of plugins:

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

I think most of those "custom" plugins / checks could be built atop something like ast-grep, but more complex checks (like rewriting absolute and relative imports) would be limited by that approach.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

The first thing I’d like to do is normalize import statements (relative vs absolute). In order to do that I’d need an interface where I get import statements or ast nodes and the path to the file so I can locate it in relation to other files on the system.

(Separately: this could arguably make sense to include in Ruff directly.)

ljodal commented 1 year ago

I think most of those "custom" plugins / checks could be built atop something like ast-grep, but more complex checks (like rewriting absolute and relative imports) would be limited by that approach.

Yeah, I wouldn’t really be able to implement any of Oida using ast-grep, as all the rules depend on the context of the project. I use in-process caching to keep that state ready between files in the current flake8 plugin btw, forgot to mention that above, so the flake8 interface isn’t ideal for that kind of plugin.

The first thing I’d like to do is normalize import statements (relative vs absolute). In order to do that I’d need an interface where I get import statements or ast nodes and the path to the file so I can locate it in relation to other files on the system.

(Separately: this could arguably make sense to include in Ruff directly.)

I guess some rules could be, again not for my specific case. What we’re considering at work is to enforce relative imports within a Django app and use absolute imports for everything else. Our structure will be or, so it would be very specific to our use case how that rule should be applied. I’ve already played with implementing it in isort, but I found that code base hard to navigate and would love a clean ast/cst based plugin interface where I could add this logic :)

peterjc commented 1 year ago

You asked for feedback from other flake8 plugin authors, so:

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Thank you @peterjc! Really appreciate your engagement here as a plugin author!

(Regarding RST: it looks like there's at least one Rust crate for parsing RST, though it doesn't look super popular.)

ofek commented 1 year ago

Is this possible, or supported currently?

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

@ofek - Not currently supported but it’s a pretty small surface area so should be easy to add some time in the next few days.

ofek commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I've been enforcing absolute imports recently (except in tests)

After that I'll switch over, and make new projects generated by Hatch use this.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Sweet! The banned relative import rule I can definitely do today.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

@ofek -- I252 (banned relative imports) just went out in v0.0.125.

You can use it in Hatch by adding this to your pyproject.toml:

select = [
  # Ruff doesn't have this, but it does have E722.
  # "B001",
  # These don't exist in newer flake8-bugbear versions IIUC.
  # "B301",
  # "B305",
  # "B306",
  # "B902",
ignore = [
  # "E203",
  # "E722",
  # "W503",
line-length = 120
# tests can use relative imports
per-file-ignores = {"tests/*" = ["I252"], "tests/**/*" = ["I252"]}

ban-relative-imports = "all"

Let me know if it works, or doesn't! :)

ofek commented 1 year ago

Thank you!!!

ljodal commented 1 year ago

@charliermarsh You wrote somewhere that libcst is significantly slower than the current ast implementation in ruff (can't find it right now). Do you know why? Is it because it's a cst or is it because the classes it exposes are Python "compatible"?

I'm asking because I've started looking into pyo3 and from what I see the only way to expose an ast to a Python plugin would be to make the ast classes Python classes in pyo3. If that's what's slow with libcst I guess there's not really any point in investigating that route too much, but if we could make that fast enough I guess it could be one way to make plugins work.

That doesn't resolve auto-fixing, but as I suggested in another thread I think maybe doing auto-fixing on the token level could be made to work. Maybe an interface like this:

def visit_Import(node: ast.Import, tokens: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    # Check ast (or tokens) for violations and return updated token
    return ["import", " ", "foo"]

Or maybe have tokens as an attribute on the ast nodes 🤔

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

@ljodal - This was all based on LibCST as a Rust crate, with no Python FFI -- so I think it's just the CST and parser, and not anything to do with the the serialization. (I also hacked in some RustPython vs. LibCST benchmarks into the existing LibCST benches and got similar results. As with all benchmarking, though, I could definitely be doing something wrong!)

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

@ljodal - I don't have great intuition for whether the PyO3 FFI would add much overhead and what the performance impact would be. I think it's worth exploring!

ljodal commented 1 year ago

Aight, then I'll continue investigating :)

I haven't written any rust before, so it's slow going (thinking of doing advent of code in rust to get a kickstart). My plan was to use the Python ASDL definitions to generate AST classes, but it's been years since last I touched compilers so I'll have to see how I go about the tokenization and conversion to ast

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

You might be interested in some of the stuff in RustPython -- they generate the Rust AST definitions from an ASDL file here and here.

ljodal commented 1 year ago

Nice, thanks for the links, I'll take a look :) I guess if I base it on that and just tweak it to be Python compatible it should be fairly easy to see the overhead as well

sbdchd commented 1 year ago

Another idea: we could build a plug-in system atop This would allow users to express lint rules in YAML or via a simple DSL.

something like this would be useful to replicate eslint's which is handy for little one off things

rmorshea commented 1 year ago

As a flake8 plugin author myself who is not presently acquainted with Rust, I think it's important that Ruff's plugin system support plugins implemented in Python. While I understand the benefits of simplicity and performance that would come with requiring plugins to be implemented in Rust, I suspect that the eventual ecosystem of Ruff plugins would ultimately suffer for it. I think this because Ruff is a linter for Python and as such, many, and probably a significant majority of its users, will come to Ruff not knowing Rust. As a consequence, if only Rust plugins are supported, when Ruff users who are not familiar with Rust find a need or idea for a new plugin, in the case of the former they may switch to Flake8, and in the case of the latter they may do the same or just not develop a plugin at all. Chances are, prospective plugin authors care first about having something that works and only second about whether or not it is performant. Thus, it seems prudent to support the tools that Ruff's future plugin authors likely already know. That being Python.

My own personal anecdote is that I'm the author of a Flake8 plugin for another one of my projects. Both these projects are small in scale at the moment, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think it's unlikely that I would author a plugin for Ruff if I had to do it in Rust unless and until Ruff became more popular than Flake8. While I like the idea of learning Rust in order to port my plugin, I just don't think I could justify taking the time to do so. Rather, I would prefer to maintain a generic set of linting heuristics that I could use in both my Flake8 plugin and a potential Ruff plugin. Doing so would both save on maintenance effort and allow users to choose the linting tool of their choice. While my plugin and project don't have many users, I expect that my rational would probably be even more applicable to large projects with maintainers who have even less time to spend supporting what is at present, a fairly niche linting tool like Ruff.

With all this said, if Ruff supported plugins in Python and Rust, I think Ruff plugins could be a gateway to learn Rust (if an unlikely one) since authors of Python plugins like myself may find a need or demand for performance in the future.

sondrelg commented 1 year ago

I maintain a plugin that I would like to rewrite in rust, to be able to run it with ruff.

I just wanted to ask, what happens to flake8-plugins ported to ruff that need significant upgrading/maintenance for, e.g., new python versions; who has the maintenance burden once it has been ported? :slightly_smiling_face:

Would it be possible to port it to ruff (if deemed generally useful), then split out as a plugin if/once the architecture for that is in place?

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

Oh rad! It looks like a great plugin -- a bunch of people have asked for it (, I was actually gonna look into porting it soon myself given all the demand. But if you're up for owning the port, and / or willing to help out, that would be amazing, and I'd be happy to support you however I can.

Who has the maintenance burden once it has been ported?

This is a great question. Anything that we merge into Ruff (and that stays in Ruff), I'm signing up to be backstop maintainer. If other contributors are able to help maintain, merge in improvements, fix bugs, and support those bigger upgrades, it's obviously much appreciated and welcome. But I'm not merging in plugins with the expectation that others are required to maintain them in perpetuity.

(This means there are some limits on what we'd merge into Ruff. I haven't defined those yet since, frankly, I haven't seen anything proposed yet that feels out of place.)

A little off-topic, but it might be useful to note that, because of the "bundling" that we're doing with Ruff, plugins can actually share a bunch of functionality, which in some ways makes them easier to maintain as a group. For example, pydocstyle and flake8-unused-arguments both rely on the ability to determine whether a function or method is public or private. In Ruff, we can use a single mechanism for that tracking, and share the inferred visibility with the individual rules. As another example, I'd hope that some of the stuff we have around import tracking and annotation detection would be useful for flake8-type-checking.

Would it be possible to port it to ruff (if deemed generally useful), then split out as a plugin if/once the architecture for that is in place?

Yes, absolutely.

sondrelg commented 1 year ago

Ah how cool! Glad I stumbled onto this then :partying_face: I'll direct remaining questions to that issue :+1:

scop commented 1 year ago

When I found out about ruff last week, two things resonated with me immediately: 1) The uncanny performance, obviously :rocket: 2) No need to look for a plethora of $linter plugins, and spend time keeping them working e.g. across breaking API changes, Python versions, etc.

I realize there are good use cases for plugins (specific/private use cases perhaps the best one), but the fewer of them the merrier, as long as their functionality is available and the ecosystem thrives, all corners get the love they need, things end up in hands of users as quickly as they should etc. There are limits to how far that can scale, and not all itches can ever be scratched, but for the time being people working on ruff seem to be doing an awesome job on this front, too.

I'm not arguing against a plugin system, but rather just hoping that the proliferation of plugins there is in the traditional Python linter scene doesn't repeat itself here. Having read the above commentary, I've no reason to think it will :+1:

yakMM commented 1 year ago
2. No need to look for a plethora of $linter plugins, and spend time keeping them working e.g. across breaking API changes, Python versions, etc.

Yes! This is part of what makes ruff an amazing project imo. You can just replace so many dependencies (and their sub-dependencies) with one self-contained package that already have (almost) all the rules you need available.

mwgamble commented 1 year ago

In the Javascript world, when using eslint, there are a myriad of plugins to support various use cases. Some of those are about enabling Typescript support, some about integrating prettier, some about strictness, etc etc

There is also a tool named xo that essentially wraps all of this up into a set of opinionated defaults, that automatically configures all of the above for you. I've started using this in my Typescript projects, and am loving it.

I would personally prefer to see an xo-style tool for python that wraps flake8, black and isort, but still provides all of the power of those things. People are inevitably going to want custom plugins for various reasons, and a good tool shouldn't block that IMO. I also don't want to be beholden to the decisions of a single dev team to decide what linting rules I should and shouldn't have, who also has to weigh up whether or not it's worth breaking peoples' builds to introduce some new checks (once things have stabalised a bit).

Unfortunately the big blocker for this happening with flake8 right now is the lack of a good configuration system. Eslint's config system is very powerful and supports presets. This empowers people to wrap it effectively without reducing the power of the underlying system.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

I appreciate all the input here :)

I'll just chime in briefly to say a make a few quick comments:

All this is to say that I would like to support plugins at some point, but it likely won't happen soon enough for me to put any sort of timeline on it.

muglug commented 1 year ago

Offering input from someone who doesn't use Ruff or Python, but who has rewritten a static analysis tool (with a large plugin ecosystem) in Rust that was originally in an interpreted language, I think you should stick with Rust as much as possible for plugins.

The path I took — wrapping the Rust tool in a custom wrapper that uses documented plugin hooks — probably doesn't make sense for a tool with this large a community, because it would require users recompile ruff.

SWC uses an alternative system — plugins are written in Rust and run using WASM, which is slightly slower but not as slow as firing up the Python interpreter. Colleagues have written one or two internal SWC plugins, allowing us to migrate away from slower Node-based tools.

zzzeek commented 1 year ago

Ideas department:

RustPython is a full Python interpreter written Rust and is embeddable in Rust programs. Ruff could optionally embed this interpreter in order to use outlier flake8 plugins. If no such plugins are needed then the interpreter wouldn't be loaded.

I think being able to use existing flake8 plugins as is, as well as to be able to write plugins in Python in general, would be a big win.

smackesey commented 1 year ago

Just chiming in here to say that over at Dagster the ability to write custom ruff lint rules would be extremely useful. Would also be fine if it required rust.

AngellusMortis commented 1 year ago

I definitely think support for Python based plug-ins is critical. Probably more important then Rust plugin support (at least for prioritization and initial support, not saying never implemente Rust support).

The repo / open source community has already showed that the tool itself is willing to accept a ton of popular plugin linting rules. So if the rules are open source, they can be written in Rust and added right into the repo without a plugin.

However, there are going to be a lot of rules that are not open source or popular. Especially ones written by orgs. The bar to entry here probably needs to be as low as possible. What if the org/devs do not know Rust? They know Python for sure since this is a Python linter.

flying-sheep commented 1 year ago

peterjc/flake8-rst-docstrings (238k downloads/month on PyPI), uses the AST to extract docstrings, which are passed as strings to the Python library docutils to be validated as RST. My code is essentially a wrapper, and since docutils is written in Python that would have to be used internally if this plugin were to be ported to ruff.

(Regarding RST: it looks like there's at least one Rust crate for parsing RST, though it doesn't look super popular.)

Yeah, my crate hasn’t received much love, which I think is due to rST in general not receiving much love, especially outside the python community.

I’m not sure if it would be up to the task of validating rST grammar, since there is no formal rST grammar, so I had to do an ad-hoc one, which is not finished. My crate shares that issue with other (equally partial) rST implementations.

hajs commented 1 year ago

Hello, the following tutorial about ruff mentions some plugin mechanism, which is not documented anywhere else:

Can anyone confirm or deny this feature? I doubt that this issue is outdated.

charliermarsh commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that the mentioned feature doesn't exist. I'm not sure where that code snippet came from, but we don't have a Python API or support custom rules like that.

rmorshea commented 1 year ago

Seems like something an AI would generate.

flying-sheep commented 1 year ago

This reddit thread has a few approaches for plugins:

The options are basically

obi1kenobi commented 1 year ago

Another option is to embed just a query engine, as a lighter-weight option than a full scripting language. I've built such an engine (Trustfall) and several linters like this (cargo-semver-checks for linting semver in Rust, company-internal linter for internal lints).

The query engine route makes it possible to separate lints (business logic) from implementation details (how is the AST stored under the hood, etc.). Specifying lints as declarative queries makes maintainability and performance optimization easier: cargo-semver-checks recently became 2000x faster without any changes to lints.

It also makes it easy to spin up a playground without worrying about someone injecting eval(). Here's a playground where you can query the contents of popular Rust crates as well as internals like std and core: image

The oxc Javascript linter also recently adopted Trustfall as an approach for both internal and custom lints. Here's an example Trustfall-based lint from oxc:

zanieb commented 1 year ago

There is also a lot of interesting discussion about plugins in the Rust ecosystem over at

It may be essential for us to allow plugins to be authored in Python, regardless of the machinery between the Python API and our Rust API.

adam-azarchs commented 1 year ago

Definitely not a mainstream idea but just wanted throw this out there for consideration: you could consider using starlark for plugins.

The language is essentially a non-Turing-complete subset of python with strong sandboxing and safe multithreaded execution, designed for having an interpreter embedded in another hosting process. There is in fact an interpreter implementation for rust.

In some ways this would provide the "best of both worlds" in allowing you to keep a near-python syntax while avoiding many of the performance and maintenance issues inherent to supporting python plugins. For one thing, you don't need to be ABI-compatible with python, since you'd be self-hosting the interpreter. The main downside would be lack of availability of arbitrary python packages, but from a performance perspective that's probably a good thing.

The main differences between starlark and python:

  1. Top-level variables (including functions) are frozen after import, and are single-assignment. This makes concurrent execution easy, since there can be no mutable state shared between invocations of a function; something that ruff would I think very much want to be able to take advantage of. It also permits certain forms of ahead of time "compilation" and static checking which are impossible to do reliably in a language as dynamic as python, e.g. checking for undefined names during load rather than at runtime on every reference.
  2. No try/except. Errors are always hard failures. This significantly simplifies the runtime and again allows for more "precompilation".
  3. Disallowing of various bug-prone patterns like modification during iteration.
  4. No unbounded loops. for x in y is allowed but no while loops and, by default, no recursion. This is a little awkward at times but allows the runtime to ensure that all starlark programs will eventually terminate.
  5. No OS access out of the box. While the hosting interpreter can expose methods for things like reading files, none is provided by default, meaning it should be safe to run untrusted starlark code. It also prevents plugin authors from "going around" your provided APIs.

Ultimately, I don't think any of this would provide much of a benefit over and above using WASM for plugins. WASM already enables users to write their code in any language of their choice that supports wasm as a compilation target. However, python is not one of those languages, and as has been pointed out, most ruff users work primarily, if not exclusively, in python, so having something at least near-python may have some value. It still wouldn't enable things like flake8-rst-docstrings delegating out to a python rst-parsing library, but personally I would consider that to be a good thing, as python dependency trees can quickly grown out of control and become difficult to maintain and keep up to date.

ofek commented 1 year ago

If we do go down the Starlark route, the PyOxidizer project(s) can serve as an extensive example of usage in Rust.

obi1kenobi commented 1 year ago

Small update if you might be considering Trustfall: at RustConf last week, @estebank and a few other folks expressed interest in using Trustfall to query Rust HIR as a way to support custom lints for Rust 👀