astral-sh / rye

a Hassle-Free Python Experience
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installer: `.profile` is not used by Bash (or Zsh); edit `.bash_profile` or `.bash_login` (Bash) or `.zprofile` (Zsh) too #1119

Open tats-u opened 1 month ago

tats-u commented 1 month ago

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Ensure there's .bash_profile or .bash_login (Bash) or .zprofile (Zsh)
  2. curl -sSf | bash
  3. Should the installer add Rye to {} via .profile?y
  4. Confim .profile has been edited
  5. Restart Bash or Zsh
  6. which rye

Expected Result

Rye's path is shown

Actual Result

Command 'rye' not found, did you mean:

Version Info

Today ( Ubuntu 22.04 WSL


No response

tats-u commented 1 month ago

Bash doesn't load .profile while .bash_profile or .bash_login exists. I think Zsh neither (.zprofile instead) If the installer find .bash_profile, .bash_login, or .zprofile, it should edit them, too. (or only them)

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