astral-sh / uv

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uv does not support keyring after 0.1.32 #3279

Closed mvaldi closed 2 weeks ago

mvaldi commented 2 weeks ago

Hi astral team, I love this repository and save me a lot of time in github actions.

I have a problem trying to install a private repository with gcp using uv with docker

This is the dockerfile that contain the error:

Dockerfile with error ```dockerfile FROM python:3.10.14-bullseye RUN pip install -U pip "uv==0.1.33" -q ARG GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH="./gcp.json" COPY $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH /tmp/credentials.json ENV GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS /tmp/credentials.json RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package ```

it throw the follow error

Detailed error ``` => ERROR [4/4] RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q & 2.9s ------ > [4/4] RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package: 2.838 error: HTTP status client error (401 Unauthorized) for url ( ------ Dockerfile:11 -------------------- 9 | 10 | # RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package 11 | >>> RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package 12 | -------------------- ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-repository" did not complete successfully: exit code: 2 ```

and this error appear for the next versions like

But if we use the uv version 0.1.32 it works

Dockerfile worked ```dockerfile FROM python:3.10.14-bullseye RUN pip install -U pip "uv==0.1.32" -q ARG GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH="./gcp.json" COPY $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH /tmp/credentials.json ENV GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS /tmp/credentials.json RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package ```

so, something it change and break the feature

Thanks you!

charliermarsh commented 2 weeks ago

Can you include the uv logs from running with --verbose?

mvaldi commented 2 weeks ago


Detailed error with -v ```Dockerfile FROM python:3.10.14-bullseye RUN pip install -U pip "uv==0.1.33" -q ARG GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH="./gcp.json" COPY $GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS_PATH /tmp/credentials.json ENV GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS /tmp/credentials.json RUN uv pip install --system keyring -q && uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url private-package -v ``` ``` 1.163 DEBUG Starting interpreter discovery for default Python 1.163 DEBUG Cached interpreter info for Python 3.10.14, skipping probing: usr/local/bin/python3 1.163 DEBUG Using Python 3.10.14 environment at usr/local/bin/python3 1.163 DEBUG Trying to lock if free: tmp/uv-39ee7c309557c5e9.lock 1.164 DEBUG Using registry request timeout of 300s 1.164 DEBUG Solving with target Python version 3.10.14 1.164 DEBUG Adding direct dependency: private-package* 1.164 TRACE Fetching metadata for private-package from 1.165 TRACE No cache entry exists for /root/.cache/uv/simple-v7/65a3230ca73dc537/private-package.rkyv 1.165 DEBUG No cache entry for: 1.165 TRACE Sending fresh GET request for 1.165 TRACE Handling request for 1.165 TRACE No credentials on request, checking cache... 1.165 TRACE No credentials in cache. 1.165 TRACE Skipping keyring lookup for with no username 1.165 DEBUG No credentials found for 2.091 error: HTTP status client error (401 Unauthorized) for url ( ```
zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

Hi! You need to provide a username for keyring.

See the 0.1.33 breaking changes

mvaldi commented 2 weeks ago

wonderful! it worked, thanks you so much!

zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

You're welcome! Sorry for the breaking change — it seemed incorrect for us hard-code the username for a specific service.

mvaldi commented 2 weeks ago

For the following people who come asking the same question, this was the solution:

uv pip install --system --keyring-provider subprocess --extra-index-url https://strong>`oauth2accesstoken@`</ private-package