astral-sh / uv

An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust.
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Interpreter discovery difference with and without `--python` flag #4277

Open matterhorn103 opened 2 weeks ago

matterhorn103 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the spree of issue opening and comment writing, I'm just raising things as I find them. I'm very excited about what you're doing with uv :)

uv version: 0.2.11 OS: Linux

A Python interpreter that is found successfully for a given version string passed with the --python flag is not found when the same version is mandated by requires-python in a pyproject.toml.

It is easiest to demonstrate what I mean, I think:

~/p/foo> ls  pyproject.toml
~/p/foo> cat
print("Hello World!")

~/p/foo> cat pyproject.toml
name = "foo"
version = "0.0.1"
requires-python = ">= 3.12"

~/p/foo> python3 -V
Python 3.11.9
~/p/foo> python3.12 -V
Python 3.12.3
~/p/foo> which python3
~/p/foo> which python3.12
~/p/foo> uv run
warning: `uv run` is experimental and may change without warning.
error: No interpreter found for Python >=3.12 in search path
~/p/foo [2]> uv run -p 3.12
warning: `uv run` is experimental and may change without warning.
Using Python 3.12.3 interpreter at: /usr/bin/python3.12
Creating virtualenv at: .venv
Resolved 1 package in 1ms
   Built foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
Downloaded 1 package in 651ms
Installed 1 package in 0.33ms
 + foo==0.0.1 (from file:///home/matt/python/foo)
Hello World!
zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

Interesting. Will investigate..

zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

Can you provide verbose logs? RUST_LOG=uv=trace uv run -v ...

zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

I get something like

❯ RUST_LOG=uv=trace uv run -v -- python -V
warning: `uv run` is experimental and may change without warning.
DEBUG Syncing project environment.
DEBUG Found project root: `/Users/zb/workspace/foo`
DEBUG No workspace root found, using project root
DEBUG Searching for Python >=3.12 in search path
TRACE Searching PATH for executables: python3, python
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /Users/zb/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /Users/zb/.local/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /Users/zb/.cargo/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /opt/homebrew/bin
TRACE Found possible Python executable: /opt/homebrew/bin/python3
TRACE Cached interpreter info for Python 3.12.3, skipping probing: /opt/homebrew/bin/python3
DEBUG Found CPython 3.12.3 at `/opt/homebrew/bin/python3` (search path)
Using Python 3.12.3 interpreter at: /opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.12/bin/python3.12
Creating virtualenv at: .venv
DEBUG Finished building: foo @ file:///Users/zb/workspace/foo
Downloaded 1 package in 419ms
Installed 1 package in 0.75ms
 + foo==0.0.1 (from file:///Users/zb/workspace/foo)
DEBUG Running `python -V`
Python 3.12.3

and the same if I include the --python flag.

matterhorn103 commented 2 weeks ago

Sure. Without the flag:

~/p/foo> RUST_LOG=uv=trace uv run -v -- python -V
warning: `uv run` is experimental and may change without warning.
DEBUG Syncing project environment.
DEBUG Found project root: `/home/matt/python/foo`
DEBUG No workspace root found, using project root
DEBUG Searching for Python >=3.12 in search path
TRACE Searching PATH for executables: python3, python
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/miniforge3/condabin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/.cargo/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/.local/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /usr/local/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /usr/bin
TRACE Found possible Python executable: /usr/bin/python3
TRACE Cached interpreter info for Python 3.11.9, skipping probing: /usr/bin/python3
DEBUG Found CPython 3.11.9 at `/usr/bin/python3` (search path)
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /bin
TRACE Found possible Python executable: /bin/python3
TRACE Cached interpreter info for Python 3.11.9, skipping probing: /bin/python3
DEBUG Found CPython 3.11.9 at `/bin/python3` (search path)
error: No interpreter found for Python >=3.12 in search path

When passing the flag a lot more happens:

~/p/foo [2]> RUST_LOG=uv=trace uv run -p 3.12 -v -- python -V
warning: `uv run` is experimental and may change without warning.
DEBUG Syncing project environment.
DEBUG Found project root: `/home/matt/python/foo`
DEBUG No workspace root found, using project root
DEBUG Searching for Python 3.12 in search path
TRACE Searching PATH for executables: python3.12, python3, python
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/miniforge3/condabin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/.cargo/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/.local/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /home/matt/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /usr/local/bin
TRACE Checking `PATH` directory for interpreters: /usr/bin
TRACE Found possible Python executable: /usr/bin/python3.12
TRACE Cached interpreter info for Python 3.12.3, skipping probing: /usr/bin/python3.12
DEBUG Found CPython 3.12.3 at `/usr/bin/python3.12` (search path)
Using Python 3.12.3 interpreter at: /usr/bin/python3.12
Creating virtualenv at: .venv
DEBUG Using request timeout of 30s
TRACE Performing lookahead for foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
TRACE Checking lock for `/home/matt/.cache/uv/built-wheels-v3/editable/5472323fa88996ff`
DEBUG Acquired lock for `/home/matt/.cache/uv/built-wheels-v3/editable/5472323fa88996ff`
DEBUG Preparing metadata for: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
DEBUG No static `PKG-INFO` available for: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo (MissingPkgInfo)
DEBUG Found static `pyproject.toml` for: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
DEBUG No workspace root found, using project root
DEBUG Solving with installed Python version: 3.12.3
DEBUG Solving with target Python version: >=3.12
DEBUG Adding direct dependency: foo*
DEBUG Searching for a compatible version of foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo (*)
DEBUG Tried 1 versions: foo 1
Resolved 1 package in 1ms
DEBUG Using request timeout of 30s
DEBUG Identified uncached requirement: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
TRACE Checking lock for `/home/matt/.cache/uv/built-wheels-v3/editable/5472323fa88996ff`
DEBUG Acquired lock for `/home/matt/.cache/uv/built-wheels-v3/editable/5472323fa88996ff`
DEBUG Building: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
INFO Ignoring empty directory
DEBUG Solving with installed Python version: 3.12.3
DEBUG Adding direct dependency: setuptools>=40.8.0
TRACE Fetching metadata for setuptools from
TRACE cached request is storable because its response has a 'public' cache-control directive
DEBUG Found fresh response for:
TRACE Received package metadata for: setuptools
TRACE selecting candidate for package setuptools with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } with 558 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("setuptools") with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "70.0.0" version
DEBUG Searching for a compatible version of setuptools (>=40.8.0)
TRACE selecting candidate for package setuptools with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } with 558 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("setuptools") with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "70.0.0" version
DEBUG Selecting: setuptools==70.0.0 (setuptools-70.0.0-py3-none-any.whl)
TRACE cached request is storable because its response has a 'public' cache-control directive
DEBUG Found fresh response for:
TRACE Received built distribution metadata for: setuptools==70.0.0
DEBUG Tried 1 versions: setuptools 1
DEBUG Installing in setuptools==70.0.0 in /home/matt/.cache/uv/environments-v0/.tmpAUpQQi
DEBUG Requirement already cached: setuptools==70.0.0
DEBUG Installing build requirement: setuptools==70.0.0
DEBUG Calling `setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__.get_requires_for_build_editable()`
DEBUG Installing extra requirements for build backend
DEBUG Solving with installed Python version: 3.12.3
DEBUG Adding direct dependency: setuptools>=40.8.0
DEBUG Adding direct dependency: wheel*
DEBUG Searching for a compatible version of setuptools (>=40.8.0)
TRACE selecting candidate for package setuptools with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } with 558 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("setuptools") with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "70.0.0" version
DEBUG Selecting: setuptools==70.0.0 (setuptools-70.0.0-py3-none-any.whl)
TRACE Fetching metadata for wheel from
TRACE selecting candidate for package setuptools with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } with 558 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("setuptools") with range Range { segments: [(Included("40.8.0"), Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "70.0.0" version
TRACE cached request is storable because its response has a 'public' cache-control directive
TRACE cached request has a cached response that does not allow staleness
TRACE request does not have a fresh cache because its age is 2642 seconds, it is greater than the freshness lifetime of 600 seconds and stale cached responses are not allowed
DEBUG Found stale response for:
DEBUG Sending revalidation request for:
TRACE Handling request for
TRACE Request for is unauthenticated, checking cache
TRACE No credentials in cache for URL
TRACE Attempting unauthenticated request for
TRACE not modified because old and new etag values ([34, 69, 99, 78, 88, 101, 54, 48, 107, 117, 120, 81, 66, 99, 113, 76, 98, 104, 77, 106, 54, 56, 65, 34]) match
DEBUG Found not-modified response for:
TRACE Received package metadata for: wheel
TRACE selecting candidate for package wheel with range Range { segments: [(Unbounded, Unbounded)] } with 75 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("wheel") with range Range { segments: [(Unbounded, Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "0.43.0" version
DEBUG Searching for a compatible version of wheel (*)
TRACE selecting candidate for package wheel with range Range { segments: [(Unbounded, Unbounded)] } with 75 remote versions
TRACE found candidate for package PackageName("wheel") with range Range { segments: [(Unbounded, Unbounded)] } after 1 steps: "0.43.0" version
DEBUG Selecting: wheel==0.43.0 (wheel-0.43.0-py3-none-any.whl)
TRACE cached request is storable because its response has a 'public' cache-control directive
DEBUG Found fresh response for:
TRACE Received built distribution metadata for: wheel==0.43.0
DEBUG Tried 2 versions: setuptools 1, wheel 1
DEBUG Installing in setuptools==70.0.0, wheel==0.43.0 in /home/matt/.cache/uv/environments-v0/.tmpAUpQQi
TRACE Comparing installed with source: Registry(InstalledRegistryDist { name: PackageName("setuptools"), version: "70.0.0", path: "/home/matt/.cache/uv/environments-v0/.tmpAUpQQi/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools-70.0.0.dist-info" }) Registry { specifier: VersionSpecifiers([VersionSpecifier { operator: Equal, version: "70.0.0" }]), index: None }
DEBUG Requirement already installed: setuptools==70.0.0
DEBUG Requirement already cached: wheel==0.43.0
DEBUG Installing build requirement: wheel==0.43.0
DEBUG Calling `setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__.build_editable("/home/matt/.cache/uv/built-wheels-v3/editable/5472323fa88996ff/9ZoalE7xvYkrzT09MLQff/.tmpM7iXTS", {}, None)`
DEBUG Finished building: foo @ file:///home/matt/python/foo
Downloaded 1 package in 648ms
Installed 1 package in 0.24ms
 + foo==0.0.1 (from file:///home/matt/python/foo)
DEBUG Running `python -V`
Python 3.12.3
zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

Ah so the difference here is that unless you request Python 3.12 we won't look for an interpreter with the 3.12 suffix. The key difference is

TRACE Searching PATH for executables: python3.12, python3, python


TRACE Searching PATH for executables: python3, python

If you were to pass the flag --python '>=3.12' you'd get the same result. We could consider searching for executables with suffixes for Python range requests (i.e. >=3.12), it just gets kind of complicated since that range is technically unbounded.

zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

I was thinking about adding this but am actually unsure where we'd stop. Like should we be checking for python3.33 on the PATH? Probably not.

zanieb commented 3 days ago

@konstin do you have any ideas here?

matterhorn103 commented 3 days ago

I think at minimum the lowest possible matching version should be checked for, as that can be pretty much guaranteed to be a released version. I.e. --python '>=3.12'should check python3.12, python3, python and --python '>3.9' should check python3.10, python3, python (I assume using > is possible there but I don't actually know).

When it comes to scanning across many possible version numbers, shouldn't it be possible to come up with a reasonable upper bound based on the current date? The Python release schedule is fairly predictable after all, so in the event of no upper bound being given for the Python version, can't an upper bound be set to YY - 11 + x, where x is a buffer, something like 3, for safety?