astral-sh / uv

An extremely fast Python package installer and resolver, written in Rust.
Apache License 2.0
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Running uv in an interactive docker container #4385

Open braaannigan opened 2 weeks ago

braaannigan commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for this great crate! I've been working with a recent version and trying to capture my best practices here:

I want to highlight some issues with the more recent versions of uv when working in interactive mode in docker. The issues arise because of the way a virtual env is now required. I want to use the following dockerfile approach (as opposed to a curl installation) as it has better caching:

FROM as uv
# Choose python version here
FROM python:3.10.1-slim-buster
# Create a virtual environment with uv inside the container
RUN --mount=from=uv,source=/uv,target=./uv \
    ./uv venv /opt/venv
# We need to set this environment variable so that uv knows where
# the virtual environment is to install packages
# Copy the requirements file into the container
COPY requirements.txt .
# Install the packages with uv using --mount=type=cache to cache the downloaded packages
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/uv \
    --mount=from=uv,source=/uv,target=./uv \
    ./uv pip install  -r requirements.txt

This works fine for building the image. The problem is when I want to develop in interactive mode in the container (which is my whole day basically).

Have I missed any other possible solutions for dealing with these issues?

Thanks again

zanieb commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for sharing!

The first issue is that when you run the container you need to activate the virtual env every time

You could add the virtual environment's bin to the PATH then you shouldn't need to do any activation.

You can also use --system and just skip the virtual environment entirely.

The second is that if I want to try out additional package installs while running in interactive mode I have neither uv nor pip available! uv isn't available because it's just a docker build layer and pip is not in the virtual env. The options here are to install pip into the virtual env or to manually install uv from curl when runnng interactively.

Sounds about right. I'd opt to just keep uv around, but the alternative is to run uv venv with --seed to install pip or install pip manually.

hoechenberger commented 2 weeks ago

You can also use --system and just skip the virtual environment entirely.

FWIW this is what I'm doing and it works flawlessly.

braaannigan commented 1 week ago

@zanieb @hoechenberger I've done the add-venv-to-path approach:

Any feeling for whether there is a preference for this over the --system approach?

hoechenberger commented 1 week ago

@braaannigan In my dev containers I try to keep complexity low, and I feel like setting up a venv adds another layer of complexity. I therefore set the UV_SYSTEM_PYTHON env var and install things globally. No need for a venv in an isolated environment like a dev container. I can share a sample dev container config with you if you're interested!

zanieb commented 1 week ago

I think both approaches are totally reasonable. We see a "add venv to path" approach more often when you don't have write access to the system.

zanieb commented 1 week ago

I'm adding some documentation based on this discussion #4433