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Unintended install of public packages when trying to install private packages from gitlabs pypi registry #7359

Open alexatothermo opened 4 days ago

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

When installing packages from a private registry in gitlab (specifically gitlab) that have name-conflicts with (another package with the same name exists on uv tries to install the package instead of the intended one.

I debugged this and found out that gitlab, when requested unauthenticated, returns a 404 and redirects the client to This is intended by gitlab and can only be deactivated in the premium plan :/

Gitlab docs on pypi forwarding:

The credentials for installing packages from the private registry are kept in ~/.netrc. The debug logs show that uv first tries the private registry unauthenticated which causes gitlab to redirect and if the package is found on uv happily installs it.

While one can argue that gitlab is at fault here for redirecting and no option in the free-plan to change this behavior, this situation would be avoided if uv would do an authenticated request if credentials are provided for the registry. Not sure if we can assume, that if a user places credentials for a registry that this always means the registry uses authentication, but I guess in most if not all cases this is fair. Plus arguing with gitlab to make this option part of the free plan could take ages I guess.

charliermarsh commented 4 days ago

That's interesting. Does pip handle this correctly? I thought pip also started with an unauthenticated request. \cc @zanieb when you're back

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

Yes, pip install --index-url ... ... works. So it seems it does an authenticated request right away

charliermarsh commented 4 days ago

I think they do an authenticated request if you provide credentials directly, but only authenticate with keyring after trying a failed, unauthenticated request:

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

if you provide credentials directly

Do you also count .envrc ~/.netrc into this? Because that's the auth mechanism I use with both pip and uv. I don't provide credentials in the index-url

charliermarsh commented 4 days ago

Can you say more? We don't read .envrc automatically. AFAIK I don't think pip does either... Does your shell populate the env vars for any commands run in that directory or something? What env vars are you setting there?

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

Ah, sorry! I meant .netrc!

charliermarsh commented 4 days ago

Ohhh hah. I'm guessing pip will automatically apply .netrc if that's what you're seeing. We might be able to do that too, but I have to defer to @zanieb since the auth stuff requires a lot of care / nuance given that all the registries behave so differently.

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

Here is the debug log

❯ RUST_LOG=trace uv pip install --verbose --extra-index-url private_package==1.5.0 --no-cache
DEBUG uv 0.4.7
DEBUG Searching for Python interpreter in system path
TRACE Querying interpreter executable at .venv/bin/python3
DEBUG Found `cpython-3.11.9-linux-x86_64-gnu` at `.venv/bin/python3` (active virtual environment)
DEBUG Using Python 3.11.9 environment at .venv/bin/python3
TRACE Checking lock for `.venv` at `.venv/.lock`
DEBUG Acquired lock for `.venv`
DEBUG At least one requirement is not satisfied: private_package==1.5.0
DEBUG Using request timeout of 30s
DEBUG Solving with installed Python version: 3.11.9
DEBUG Solving with target Python version: >=3.11.9
DEBUG Adding direct dependency: private_package==1.5.0
INFO add_decision: root @ 0a0.dev0    
TRACE Fetching metadata for private_package from
TRACE No cache entry exists for /tmp/.tmp54OCvk/simple-v12/index/5d92d1f3e0c26f1d/private_package.rkyv
DEBUG No cache entry for:
TRACE Sending fresh GET request for
TRACE Handling request for
TRACE Request for is unauthenticated, checking cache
TRACE No credentials in cache for URL
TRACE Attempting unauthenticated request for
TRACE checkout waiting for idle connection: ("https",
DEBUG starting new connection:    
TRACE Http::connect; scheme=Some("https"), host=Some(""), port=None
DEBUG resolving host=""
DEBUG connecting to
DEBUG connected to
TRACE http1 handshake complete, spawning background dispatcher task
TRACE checkout dropped for ("https",
TRACE put; add idle connection for ("https",
DEBUG pooling idle connection for ("https",
DEBUG redirecting '' to ''
TRACE checkout waiting for idle connection: ("https",
DEBUG starting new connection:    
TRACE Http::connect; scheme=Some("https"), host=Some(""), port=None
DEBUG resolving host=""
DEBUG connecting to [::]:443
DEBUG connected to [::]:443
TRACE http1 handshake complete, spawning background dispatcher task
TRACE checkout dropped for ("https",
TRACE put; add idle connection for ("https",
DEBUG pooling idle connection for ("https",
TRACE cached request is storable because its response has a 'public' cache-control directive
TRACE Received package metadata for: private_package
TRACE Selecting candidate for private_package with range ==1.5.0 with 3 remote versions
TRACE Exhausted all candidates for package private_package with range ==1.5.0 after 3 steps
DEBUG Searching for a compatible version of private_package (==1.5.0)
TRACE Selecting candidate for private_package with range ==1.5.0 with 3 remote versions
TRACE Exhausted all candidates for package private_package with range ==1.5.0 after 3 steps
DEBUG No compatible version found for: private_package
INFO Start conflict resolution because incompat satisfied:
   private_package ==1.5.0 is forbidden    
INFO prior cause: root ==0a0.dev0 is forbidden    
TRACE Resolver derivation tree before reduction
  root==0a0.dev0 depends on private_package==1.5.0
  no versions of private_package==1.5.0
TRACE Resolver derivation tree after reduction
  root==0a0.dev0 depends on private_package==1.5.0
  no versions of private_package==1.5.0
  × No solution found when resolving dependencies:
  ╰─▶ Because there is no version of private_package==1.5.0 and you require private_package==1.5.0, we can conclude that your requirements are unsatisfiable.
DEBUG Released lock at `.venv/.lock`

Note: this output is from when trying to install a version of the private package with one of the same name that is not on pypi.

When doing this with a version that the other package also has it is installed from

The interesting line here is the DEBUG redirect by gitlab

zanieb commented 4 days ago

Can you provide a username with your index URL? I believe then we'll look for a password before sending the request.

We'll need to consider if we want to change the behavior for netrc. I'm pretty hesitant to have a different pattern for netrc vs keyring (not to mention the other authentication methods).

alexatothermo commented 4 days ago

Interesting. The username indeed works when provided with --extra-index-url but not with --index-url. In the former case RUST_LOG=TRACE reveals Request ... is missing a password, looking for credentials. The latter does not check for credentials