astrale-sharp / typstfmt

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typstfmt Folds the Parameter List in Function Call even if `line_wrap = false` is Specified #160

Open FlandiaYingman opened 8 months ago

FlandiaYingman commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug typstfmt remove custom line breaks in function calls even with line_wrap setting to false.

To Reproduce Given a function call, for example

    node-outset: .5em,
    node-stroke: .075em,

    node((+1, 0), [variable], radius: 3em),
    node((+1.25, .75), [const], radius: 3em),

    edge((0, 0), (+1, 0), "=>"),
    edge((0.25, .75), (+1, 0), "->"),
    edge((0.25, .75), (+1.25, .75), "=>"),

    node((+0, 0), [pointer to \ variable], radius: 3em),
    node((-1, 0), [pointer to \ pointer to \ variable], radius: 3em),
    node((-.75, .75), [pointer to \ pointer to \ const], radius: 3em),
    node((+0.25, .75), [pointer to \ const], radius: 3em),

    edge((-1, 0), (+0, 0), "=>"),
    edge((-.75, .75), (+0, 0), "-X->"),
    edge((-.75, .75), (+0.25, .75), "=>"),

with the default configuration plus line_wrap = false, typstfmt formats this piece of code into

    node-outset: .5em, node-stroke: .075em, node((+1, 0), [variable], radius: 3em), node((+1.25, .75), [const], radius: 3em), edge((0, 0), (+1, 0), "=>"), edge((0.25, .75), (+1, 0), "->"), edge((0.25, .75), (+1.25, .75), "=>"), node((+0, 0), [pointer to \ variable], radius: 3em), node((-1, 0), [pointer to \ pointer to \ variable], radius: 3em), node((-.75, .75), [pointer to \ pointer to \ const], radius: 3em), node((+0.25, .75), [pointer to \ const], radius: 3em), edge((-1, 0), (+0, 0), "=>"), edge((-.75, .75), (+0, 0), "-X->"), edge((-.75, .75), (+0.25, .75), "=>"),

which, in my perspective, worse than before.

I've tried various combination of options, but all yields unsatisfied result. I believe that we could prevent line breaking in function calls if line_wrap = false is specified, or add an extra option to handle this.

I noticed that there was a similar issue #134, however, that pull request seems to be closed?

astrale-sharp commented 8 months ago

Hello :)

line_wrap only talks about markup, the fact that you're confused means the name should be changed.

you're right that the formatting you've given is awful.

Could you share your config file?

FlandiaYingman commented 8 months ago


My config file contains only one line which is

line_wrap = false

The global config contains

indent_space = 2
max_line_length = 80
experimental_args_breaking_consecutive = false
line_wrap = true
pinpox commented 8 months ago

Another example, I think it is the same issue so I'll leave it here:

Consider the following snippet

#show: project.with(
  title: "Seitenkanalangriffe auf
  Openc906 und Openc910
  RISC-V Prozessoren",
  authors: ((
    name: "Pablo Ovelleiro Corral",
    degree: "Master Praktische Informatik",
    email: "mail@mail.tld",
    matriculation: "0000000",
  logo: "uni-logo.svg",
  abstract: "abstract.typ"

Running typstfmt with the default config, formats it into this:

#show: project.with(title: "Seitenkanalangriffe auf
  Openc906 und Openc910
  RISC-V Prozessoren", authors: ((
  name: "Pablo Ovelleiro Corral",
  degree: "Master Praktische Informatik",
  email: "mail@mail.tld",
  matriculation: "0000000",
)), logo: "uni-logo.svg", abstract: "abstract.typ")

I would argue that is a much worse format. Is there any chance we could comma-separated parameters to stay on their own lines while being indented?

FlandiaYingman commented 8 months ago

I would say @pinpox 's example is definitely worse.

@astrale-sharp I suggest that we can add an option to control the behavior of parameter lists (as well as array lists, and other comma-separated things). For example, we can add wrap_params and wrap_array option keys (names just for example), and their values can be either off, wrap_if_long, chop_down_if_long, wrap_always, chop_down_always.

FYR: this is what Intellij IDEA does


astrale-sharp commented 8 months ago

Hey there, still very unavailable unfortunately, still ready to review PR quickly

FlandiaYingman commented 8 months ago

@astrale-sharp I think I could create a simple PR that work around this issue. Which branch should I work on though?

astrale-sharp commented 8 months ago

that's lovely thanks! you should work on master ;)

FlandiaYingman commented 8 months ago

That's Great! Will do later

pinpox commented 8 months ago

Feel free to let me know if there is something I can help test and thanks for taking the time to do this :)

desk7 commented 7 months ago

I experience the same problem in formatting dictionaries.

#let dictionary = (
    key1: ("word1","word2"),
    key2: 1,
    key3: [
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada justo id arcu molestie, eget suscipit ipsum eleifend. Aliquam id urna egestas, dictum velit vel, rutrum ipsum. Nunc egestas finibus turpis et accumsan. Cras commodo, nisl sed cursus mattis, diam leo suscipit diam, ac pellentesque dolor erat ut justo. Vestibulum finibus lorem at augue commodo, et congue nisl volutpat. In hendrerit finibus felis, at auctor ligula rhoncus in. Sed feugiat, velit at vestibulum egestas, mauris sapien rutrum enim, at euismod nisi sem sit amet diam. Aliquam ullamcorper et nunc at aliquam. Proin at mi vitae purus euismod gravida id viverra risus. Donec a maximus massa. Sed hendrerit tristique ipsum vel facilisis. Ut scelerisque rutrum urna, non maximus neque cursus feugiat. Quisque pharetra lorem diam, eu venenatis tellus vestibulum eu. Mauris sagittis enim eros. In nec tincidunt libero.

     Aliquam vitae ultrices nibh. Etiam dictum tempus felis ut egestas. Pellentesque odio arcu, blandit a blandit ac, tempus at lectus. Ut at ultricies nulla. Nunc risus lectus, luctus a risus eget, ullamcorper rutrum enim. Sed viverra imperdiet arcu, in ultrices metus egestas nec. Suspendisse ornare nulla ut tristique fermentum. Curabitur rutrum arcu vitae ex dignissim ornare vel consectetur mi. Praesent sit amet varius ipsum. Suspendisse potenti.

     Fusce sit amet leo tristique, posuere nunc sed, interdum purus. Mauris quis faucibus arcu, in auctor eros. Suspendisse consequat mattis eleifend. Vivamus sed nibh non arcu sollicitudin eleifend ac quis arcu. Cras luctus interdum felis in molestie. Quisque vel sem mauris. Nam vitae placerat odio. Curabitur fringilla scelerisque felis in tincidunt. 
    key4: [$12$]

The result, after formatting, is definitely worse than before:

#let dictionary = (
  key1: ("word1", "word2"), key2: 1, key3: [
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada justo id arcu molestie, eget suscipit ipsum eleifend. Aliquam id urna egestas, dictum velit vel, rutrum ipsum. Nunc egestas finibus turpis et accumsan. Cras commodo, nisl sed cursus mattis, diam leo suscipit diam, ac pellentesque dolor erat ut justo. Vestibulum finibus lorem at augue commodo, et congue nisl volutpat. In hendrerit finibus felis, at auctor ligula rhoncus in. Sed feugiat, velit at vestibulum egestas, mauris sapien rutrum enim, at euismod nisi sem sit amet diam. Aliquam ullamcorper et nunc at aliquam. Proin at mi vitae purus euismod gravida id viverra risus. Donec a maximus massa. Sed hendrerit tristique ipsum vel facilisis. Ut scelerisque rutrum urna, non maximus neque cursus feugiat. Quisque pharetra lorem diam, eu venenatis tellus vestibulum eu. Mauris sagittis enim eros. In nec tincidunt libero.

    Aliquam vitae ultrices nibh. Etiam dictum tempus felis ut egestas. Pellentesque odio arcu, blandit a blandit ac, tempus at lectus. Ut at ultricies nulla. Nunc risus lectus, luctus a risus eget, ullamcorper rutrum enim. Sed viverra imperdiet arcu, in ultrices metus egestas nec. Suspendisse ornare nulla ut tristique fermentum. Curabitur rutrum arcu vitae ex dignissim ornare vel consectetur mi. Praesent sit amet varius ipsum. Suspendisse potenti.

    Fusce sit amet leo tristique, posuere nunc sed, interdum purus. Mauris quis faucibus arcu, in auctor eros. Suspendisse consequat mattis eleifend. Vivamus sed nibh non arcu sollicitudin eleifend ac quis arcu. Cras luctus interdum felis in molestie. Quisque vel sem mauris. Nam vitae placerat odio. Curabitur fringilla scelerisque felis in tincidunt.
  ], key4: [$12$],

If I set line_wrap = true, the text content in blocks is correctly wrapped.

Please also note that a comma is added after the last key. I don't know if it is intended.

pinpox commented 7 months ago

That's Great! Will do later

Did you manage to get something working ?

FlandiaYingman commented 7 months ago

That's Great! Will do later

Did you manage to get something working ?

I managed to achieve a relatively good result but I am a little bit busy these days. I will try to get it done in early April

social-anthrax commented 6 months ago

Strangely enough, this behaviour does not appear when using typstfmt in the vscode typst-lsp plugin. It seems that they're using 0.2.7, so I'm wondering if this is a bug that crept in during 0.2.8 or 0.2.9. See nvarner/typst-lsp/Cargo.toml#L81. It's worth noting that when formatted using the lsp, it will revert to the first image below.


Formatted with typst-lsp's typstfmt integration:


Formatted with typstfmt from the commandline:
