astro-group-bristol / Gradus.jl

Extensible spacetime agnostic general relativistic ray-tracing (GRRT).
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Problems with the thick disc transfer functions #160

Closed fjebaker closed 10 months ago

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Using this issue to track progress on clamping down why the transfer function integration and the regular binning method for calculating the line profiles disagree.

Crux of the problem:


Code to reproduce

using Gradus
using Plots

function calculate_line_profile_binned(m, x, d, bins; maxrₑ = 500.0, minrₑ = Gradus.isco(m) + 1e-2)
    plane = PolarPlane(GeometricGrid(); Nr = 1000, Nθ = 1000, r_max = 2 * maxrₑ)
    _, f = lineprofile(
        algorithm = BinnedLineProfile(), 
        verbose = true,
        bins = bins,
        maxrₑ = maxrₑ,
        minrₑ = minrₑ,
        plane = plane

function calculate_line_profile(m, x, d, bins; maxrₑ = 500.0, minrₑ = Gradus.isco(m) + 1e-2) 
    _, f = lineprofile(
        algorithm = CunninghamLineProfile(), 
        verbose = true,
        bins = bins,
        maxrₑ = maxrₑ,
        minrₑ = minrₑ,
        numrₑ = 200,
        β₀ = 2,
        Nr = 3000,

bins = collect(range(0.1, 1.4, 200))
m = KerrMetric(1.0, 0.998)
x = SVector(0.0, 1000.0, deg2rad(45), 0.0)

ssd = ShakuraSunyaev(m, eddington_ratio = 0.3)

tf30 = @time calculate_line_profile(m, x, ssd, bins)
bn30 = @time calculate_line_profile_binned(m, x, ssd, bins)

plot(bins, tf30, label = "transfer functions")
plot!(bins, bn30, label = "binned")
fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Thanks to @wiktoriatarnopolska, we've identified the discrepency as coming from the inner regions, less than 5rg. That is, there is a flux deficit in the transfer functions at hard $g$.

Setting the inner radius to 5 and outer to 500 shows good agreement.

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 01 02 01

There is also an issue related to the binning method not trimming the outer edge of the disc correctly, but I will track that in a seperate issue. It just makes comparisons at small r (where the emissivity is comparatively big) a little tricky, as there is manifestly a flux difference.

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Now at 5rg, there is no obscuration. Even at 2 rg for 45 degree inclination, there is no obscuration, and yet, setting the inner radius to 2 shows a difference:


So there is something happening between 2 and 5 rg that's spoiling it.

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Outer red ring is 5rg, inner red is 2rg: clearly, there is no obscuration yet. The yellow band is the radius as calculated by a point function, as a sanity check:


The inner black ring is not traced by the binning method. This means that technically the binning method is inaccurate at steep inclination, which is worth keeping in mind.

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Different at all inclinations: temp

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

It is not a problem with obscuration. For this setup (red line is 5rg)

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 22 45 48

Lineprofiles are fine with $r_\text{min} = 5$ (fairly low res):


Edit: it's always seemingly 2 rg where the problems are visible...

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

We tried setting emissivity to 1, such that all radii are weighted equally. However, aliasing biases in the binning method rendered that line of inquiry pretty inert. However x 2, I have been trying instead setting steeper emissivites, à la $r^{-5}$, which allows us to set the outer radius to (in the below) 6rg, whilst keeping the inner radius at 5rg.


Now, setting the inner radius to the isco reveals this:


We see the transfer function has an entirely different flux profile from these regions. If we disable obscuration in the transfer function calculation entirely, we obtain this (red):


There is obscuration at play here.

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Emissivity set to $1$ actually works fine for small radii comparisons:

bins = collect(range(0.1, 1.5, 200))
m = KerrMetric(1.0, 0.998)
ssd = ShakuraSunyaev(m, eddington_ratio = 0.3)

remin = 5.0 # Gradus.isco(m) + 1e-2
remax = remin + 0.5
i = 45
x = SVector(0.0, 1000.0, deg2rad(i), 0.0)
tf30 = @time calculate_line_profile(m, x, ssd, bins; minrₑ = remin, maxrₑ = remax)
bn30 = @time calculate_line_profile_binned(m, x, ssd, bins; minrₑ = remin, maxrₑ = remax)

    p = plot(legend=:topleft, title = "$(Base.typename(typeof(m)).name) a=$(m.a)")
    plot!(bins, tf30, label = "tf$i")
    plot!(bins, bn30, label = "bn$i", linestyle = :dot)

0 5radial diff

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

For specific radii, integrated over a 0.5 rg band:


Binning method starts to calculate greater flux from the blue shifted part of the disc...

fjebaker commented 10 months ago


function calc_plot_rad(remin)
    @info remin
    remax = remin + 0.1
    i = 45
    x = SVector(0.0, 1000.0, deg2rad(i), 0.0)
    tf30 = @time calculate_line_profile(m, x, ssd, bins; minrₑ = remin, maxrₑ = remax)
    bn30 = @time calculate_line_profile_binned(m, x, ssd, bins; minrₑ = remin, maxrₑ = remax)
    tf30, bn30

tf, bn = calc_plot_rad(1.3)


Found the excess flux: small g at small radii, here with emissivity set to 1. It's very odd though, since they both find the maximal $g$ perfectly fine... I'm not sure what would cause the minima to fail to resolve in one or the other.

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

Nothing unusual in the heatmap plots... the red line is the +/- 0.05 rg offset from 1.35rg found via the binning method. They both seem to find the same minima and maxima...

1 35radius maxima 1 35radius minima

1 35radius

fjebaker commented 10 months ago

We discovered the discrepancy is due to the transfer function method "seeing" emission radii that are supposedly hidden. By tweaking the visibility_tolerance parameter, we were able to make the two agree over certain ranges of $g$, but not everywhere.

I reworked the entire visibiliy detection algorithm to also the dot product between surface normal and final geodesic velocity, but even that introduces significant noise still:


This isn't even a particularly low resolution calculation...