# Call nix-build on this file to run all tests in this directory
{ pkgs ? import ../../.. {} }:
formats = import ./formats.nix { inherit pkgs; };
in pkgs.linkFarm "nixpkgs-pkgs-lib-tests" [
{ name = "formats"; path = import ./formats.nix { inherit pkgs; }; }
deadnix produces
# Call nix-build on this file to run all tests in this directory
{ pkgs ? import ../../.. {} }:pkgs.linkFarm "nixpkgs-pkgs-lib-tests" [
{ name = "formats"; path = import ./formats.nix { inherit pkgs; }; }
while maybe something like this is more appropriate
# Call nix-build on this file to run all tests in this directory
{ pkgs ? import ../../.. {} }:
pkgs.linkFarm "nixpkgs-pkgs-lib-tests" [
{ name = "formats"; path = import ./formats.nix { inherit pkgs; }; }
While testing https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/149892, the following file
gets formatted incorrectly:deadnix produces
while maybe something like this is more appropriate