I am trying to connect arduino and stm32 devices using this module but for some reason reading data from Payload makes device unresponsive. However if I dont try to read data from Payload everything works. Changing transmitter/receiver role between devices has no effect on the result. I use latest version of this library.
Here is some code:
let mut nrf24 = nrf24.tx().unwrap(); //default configuration from example
let mut counter: u32 = 0;
loop {
ufmt::uwriteln!(&mut serial, "Sending number:{:?}", counter).unwrap();
if let Err(e) = nrf24.send(&counter.to_le_bytes()) {
ufmt::uwriteln!(&mut serial, "Error").unwrap();
counter = counter.overflowing_add(1).0;
let mut nrf24 = nrf24.rx().unwrap(); //default configuration from example
let mut buff: [u8; 4] = [0; 4];
loop {
rprintln!("Receiving data...");
if nrf24.can_read().is_ok() {
let payload = nrf24.read();
match payload {
Ok(p) => {
let num = u32::from_le_bytes(buff); //if we dont do this line and just print p everything works
rprintln!("Got message = {:?}", num);
Err(_) => {
rprintln!("Could not read payload");
I am trying to connect arduino and stm32 devices using this module but for some reason reading data from Payload makes device unresponsive. However if I dont try to read data from Payload everything works. Changing transmitter/receiver role between devices has no effect on the result. I use latest version of this library.
Here is some code: