astroband / ruby-stellar-base

The stellar-base library is the lowest-level stellar helper library. It consists of classes to read, write, hash, and sign the xdr structures that are used in stellar-core
Apache License 2.0
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Stellar::Base::VERSION is returning error #21

Closed sacarlson closed 8 years ago

sacarlson commented 8 years ago

hash["stellar_base_version"] = Stellar::Base::VERSION is returning error `version': uninitialized constant Stellar::Base (NameError). I note a missing line in ./lib/stellar-base.rb that I think should read: require_relative './stellar/base/version'. without this line the Base::VERSION is not linked. adding this line seems to fix the problem. This missing line is seen in all version ruby-stellar-base that I've looked at so far from very old 0.1.4 to 0.10.0

sacarlson commented 8 years ago

Already merged fix for issuer#21 missing VERSION #22 so I guess we can close this