astroband / ruby-stellar-sdk

Community maintained Ruby SDK for Stellar
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`` should validate memo length #90

Open jimdanz opened 6 years ago

jimdanz commented 6 years ago seems to validate that the memo provided is the right data type:

[36] pry(main)>, {foo: 'bar'})
XDR::InvalidValueError: XDR::InvalidValueError
from .../gems/xdr-3.0.0/lib/xdr/union.rb:86:in `set'

But it does not look at the value itself to validate length:

[37] pry(main)>, 'x' * 10000)
=> #<Stellar::Memo:0x007fdc5f3a7198
 @switch=#<Stellar::MemoType:0x007fdc5d80e800 @name="memo_text", @value=1>,

From my perspective it'd be great if the contract were that if returns a value, that value will be able to be serialized into XDR successfully.

ramontayag commented 5 years ago

@jimdanz thanks for mentioning this. We'd love a PR!