astrochart / CHART

Completely Hackable Amateur Radio Telescope
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CHART on Mac OSX? #153

Open adampbeardsley opened 3 years ago

adampbeardsley commented 3 years ago

I'm going to try installing the chart software on my mac and see what the limiting factors are.

Starting here:

Need macports: Which also needs mac's command line tools. I already had them installed, but it complained about not finding the version so I had to reinstall.

Ok, now that I have CLT and macports installed, trying to install gnuradio again. Seems to be working... This takes a really long time. I'm wondering if I should have installed it in a python environment... it's installing pythony things.

Next, osmosdr: sudo port install gr-osmosdr

Hey! the gnu-radio companion seems to work: image

Final note for now, in order to tune into AM frequencies (or anything below 24MHz), you need to switch to direct sampling mode. To do this in gnuradio-companion, you set Device Arguments in the RTL-SDR source block to: rtl=0,direct_samp=2 image

jpizagno commented 9 months ago

Wouldn't it be more efficient to dockerize this app, so it runs anywhere? (Well runs anywhere docker is installed)

One could run it on Windows, Mac, Linux, cloud providers, etc ...