astrochart / CHART

Completely Hackable Amateur Radio Telescope
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Module Not Found Error / Pip Install Won't Work #205

Open saraj1228 opened 1 month ago

saraj1228 commented 1 month ago

module not found pip install

Have everything set up for CHART, including GNU Radio, but having issues opening the CHART package regarding customtkinter. Have tried to pip install but am struggling, I'm relatively new to coding so any help would be appreciated!!

UDPATE: Never mind, got it to work!

adampbeardsley commented 1 month ago

Hi @saraj1228 , glad you got it to work, but could you tell us what you did? That way if someone else runs into the issue they can see your solution. Thanks! (By the way, I think this is related to issue #204 that I'm working on right now)