astrochili / vscode-defold

A toolkit for Visual Studio Code to develop games with Defold
MIT License
160 stars 10 forks source link


Closed thejustinwalsh closed 2 years ago

thejustinwalsh commented 2 years ago

@astrochili I noticed there is not a license on your repo, and though it is a collection of carefully orchestrated settings, I have used your script along with the defold engine source and the docs to build a vscode task provider extension for defold.

[WIP]: Defold Build Extension

Definitely going to include you in the shout-outs sections at the least for ATTRIBUTION and inspiration, as we seem to be thriving off each other's energy on this defold in vscode support vibe!

I have a few more features, tests, and ensuring it all works on windows and linux left to run through, but wanted to give you an early heads-up.

I take a few different approaches to you in my extension as well that you may want to crib:

astrochili commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay, but it's generally not a problem. I will add information about the license soon.

I fell out over the weekend because of LD, and now a lot of current work :)

thejustinwalsh commented 2 years ago

No worries! Hope you had fun with LD this time around!!!

astrochili commented 2 years ago

Done! Added a default MIT Licence.