This user story enable the user to deploy/interact with a smart contract by using a panel inside VSCode. He can call functions and read public variables of deployed contracts and deploy contracts.
Smart Contract Developper
I want to
be able to deploy and interact with a smart contract through a UI
Definition of Done
[ ] 1. Display all the UI elements defined in the figma from the VSCode UI toolkit for the Interact and Deploy panel
[ ] 2. Create a messaging system to handle/send message from/to the extension
[ ] 3. Interact to a contract with all parameters gived by the user through the extensions view
[ ] 4. Deploy a contract with all constructor parameters gived by the user through the extensions view
[ ] 5. Deploy a contract by using a script gived by the user through the extensions view
Code of Conduct
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This user story enable the user to deploy/interact with a smart contract by using a panel inside VSCode. He can call functions and read public variables of deployed contracts and deploy contracts.
Smart Contract Developper
I want to
be able to deploy and interact with a smart contract through a UI
Definition of Done
Code of Conduct