I saw a Video on Superhuman Mail on how they keep you in focus. The trick is that you can work through your mail with a "next" function related to your last selection or search.
Would it be possible to add a "next tread" function which selects the next thread based on the specific thread index view (TIV) that I visited last?
Example usage "plow through your github mail":
search: from:*github.com AND tag:unread
open first mail in thread index for those results.
read / tag the message.
hit "next thread from last TIV" function key
read next mail from:*github.com AND tag:unread and possibly tag it.
repeat last 2 steps n times untill there are now more unread mails from github.
Hi, I saw a Video on Superhuman Mail on how they keep you in focus. The trick is that you can work through your mail with a "next" function related to your last selection or search.
Would it be possible to add a "next tread" function which selects the next thread based on the specific thread index view (TIV) that I visited last?
Example usage "plow through your github mail":