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Image Placeholders #52

Open OliverSpeir opened 5 months ago

OliverSpeir commented 5 months ago

Some inspiration:

OliverSpeir commented 1 week ago

import { getPixels } from "@unpic/pixels";
import type { UnresolvedImageTransform } from "astro";
import type { HTMLAttributes } from "astro/types";
import { getImage, type LocalImageProps } from "astro:assets";
import { readFile } from "node:fs/promises";
import sharp from "sharp";
import { rgbaToThumbHash, thumbHashToDataURL } from "thumbhash";

type Props = Omit<LocalImageProps, "src"> & {
  src: ImageMetadata;

const props = Astro.props;

if (typeof props.width === "string") {
  props.width = parseInt(props.width);

if (typeof props.height === "string") {
  props.height = parseInt(props.height);

const image = await getImage(props);

const opts: UnresolvedImageTransform = {
  src: Astro.props.src,
  format: "png",

const [w, h] = [image.attributes.width, image.attributes.height];

// if pic is 1:1 or wider than tall
if (w >= h) {
  opts.width = 100;

// if pic is 1:1 or taller than wide
if (h >= w) {
  opts.height = 100;
let buf = import.meta.env.PROD
  ? await sharp(await readFile(`./dist/${props.src.src}`))
      width: 100,
      height: 100,
      fit: "inside",
      withoutEnlargement: true,
    .modulate({ saturation: 1.2 })
  : await getImage(opts)
    .then(_ => new URL(_.src, Astro.url));

const { height, width, data } = await getPixels(buf);
const hash = rgbaToThumbHash(width, height, data);
const src = thumbHashToDataURL(hash);

const additionalAttributes: HTMLAttributes<"img"> = {};
if (image.srcSet.values.length > 0) {
  additionalAttributes.srcset = image.srcSet.attribute;


import { lazyLoad } from "unlazy";

OliverSpeir commented 1 week ago

sarah11918 commented 1 week ago

haha.. just came here to post that same article!

OliverSpeir commented 1 week ago

Not sure I agree with this honestly

The main point of the article I got was don't do blurry LQIP (low quality image placeholders) instead just do a lower quality (but still recognizable) version of the original image

alexanderniebuhr commented 1 week ago

Thanks for all the information and context.. I need to block myself some time to go over this.