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Official Astrolicious Website
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write public announcement post #99

Closed alexanderniebuhr closed 1 month ago

alexanderniebuhr commented 1 month ago

We wrote this during our Create Content With Us event. Would love to get some reviews from y'all

cc @florian-lefebvre would love for you to vet this cc @sarah11918 would love for you to check for good english, if time allows


github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Run report for 336157e7

Total time: 28.2s Comparison time: 34.6s Estimated savings: 6.4s (18.5% faster) Action Time Status Info
🟩 SyncWorkspace 0ms Passed
⬛️ SetupToolchain(node:20.15.1) 1.6s Skipped
🟩 InstallWorkspaceDeps(node:20.15.1) 12.7s Passed
🟩 SyncProject(node, site) 0.3ms Passed
🟩 RunTask(site:imports) 286.2ms Passed
🟩 RunTask(site:sync) 3.1s Passed
🟩 RunTask(site:format) 259.6ms Passed
🟩 RunTask(site:check) 9.2s Passed
🟩 RunTask(site:lint) 286.6ms Passed
🟦 RunTask(site:build) 1.1s Cached
Touched files
``` apps/site/src/content/blog/astrolicious-evolves.mdx ```