astrolicious / i18n

Yet another i18n integration for Astro with server and client utilities, type safety and translations built-in.
MIT License
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Issue with Sanity #21

Open layout-ch opened 5 months ago

layout-ch commented 5 months ago

Hi! The integration works like a charm with Astro. Now I'm trying to do the next step which is adding a CMS so that clients can handle their multilanguage website through a Dashboard.

For this I'm trying out Sanity with has a super generous free tier. I did a small repro here with astrolicious-i18n: .

Sanity let you embed your cms on a route of your website, which I did on the /admin route in the astro-config :

export default defineConfig({ site: "", output: "hybrid", adapter: vercel(), integrations: [ sanityIntegration( { projectId: "t9cmnozc", dataset: "production", useCdn: false, studioBasePath: "/admin", } ), react(), liciousI18n({ defaultLocale: "fr", locales: ["fr", "de", "en"], strategy: "prefix", sitemap: true, pages: { "a-propos": { de: "ueber-uns", en: "about-us" } } })] });

It works like intended on the dev server but when I deploy to vercel, vercel doesn't seem to like that.

I tried it out without astrolicious-i18n and it works, but once I added the integration to the project, I get a status 500 on the /admin route. Is this because of how astrolicious-i18n handles the routes? Since they are generated automatically on build time, it somehow overrides the /admin route that comes from the sanity integration? Any tips on how to make this work with a headless CMS would be amazing. Thank you in advance !

Side note : everything works when I remove i18n so it is somehow interfering somewhere....

florian-lefebvre commented 5 months ago

I tried and I think the issue is not caused by the intergration but i a misconfiguration of your astro project. I tried everything to make your project work locally and failed, so i started a brand new following i18n docs then sanity docs. It works perfectly fine

layout-ch commented 5 months ago

Hi Florian,

I'm reopening this issue as I've managed to identify the cause of the problem. It appears that using <I18NHead /> is causing the conflict with the Sanity integration.

I downloaded your minimal reproduction and added the <I18NHead /> component. Locally, npm run dev works without issues on my Mac. However, deploying to Vercel results in the /admin route becoming inaccessible.

On Vercel you get a status 500 when trying to access the /admin route followed by this error : 20:47:21 [ERROR] TypeError: is not a function at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:50:14 at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:14:12 at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:19:18 at payload (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:35:25) at applyHandle (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:17:22) at file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/chunks/_astro-internal_middleware_Cor_ETLZ.mjs:14:12 at callMiddleware (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:691:27) at RenderContext.render (file:///var/task/vercel/path0/.vercel/output/_functions/entry.mjs:1181:28)

Additionally, attempting to run npm run dev on StackBlitz throws an error: 22:55:09 [ERROR] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'data') Stack trace: at getLocales (i18n:astro:149:21)

Here are the links for reference:

My minimal reproduction with : StackBlitz example demonstrating the error: It would be great to investigate this further and find a solution to allow using alongside Sanity. Thanks a lot šŸ™šŸ¼

florian-lefebvre commented 5 months ago

I'm investigating and the issue seems unrelated to sanity. on windows i have no issue with the als but on stackblitz (linux) the als getStore is undefined

florian-lefebvre commented 5 months ago this logs undefined but it should be an object. Works locally on windows so maybe an os thing or node version thing? Can someone try it on a linux or a mac to see if it happens as well? Related source code available here:

layout-ch commented 5 months ago

on my mac I dont get any errors and that's what I get from the log :

  clientOptions: { data: false, translations: false, paths: false },
  translations: {
    initialized: false,
    i18nextConfig: {
      namespaces: [Array],
      defaultNamespace: 'common',
      resources: [Object]
  data: { locale: 'en', locales: [ 'en', 'fr' ], defaultLocale: 'en' },
  paths: {
    pathname: '/',
    routes: [ [Object], [Object] ],
    dynamicParams: {},
    strategy: 'prefixExceptDefault'
florian-lefebvre commented 5 months ago

I didn't update the issue but this error is stackblitz specific, I'll see about vercel tomorrow