astronomer / astronomer-airflow-version-check

Plugin to check if new version of Astronomer Certified Airflow is available
Apache License 2.0
1 stars 2 forks source link

Don't error if update check tables don't exist. #10

Closed ashb closed 4 years ago

ashb commented 4 years ago

This makes it easier for us to install in older versions of our platform without it breaking things. (Due to other limitations we haven't been running migrations from the user image, but the stock/default image which likely won't have this plugin installed.)

ashb commented 4 years ago

I need to test this actually works :D

ashb commented 4 years ago


ashb commented 4 years ago


[2020-05-01 09:48:53,903] {} INFO - settings.configure_orm(): Using pool settings. pool_size=5, max_overflow=10, pool_recycle=1800, pid=1778088
  ____________       _____________
 ____    |__( )_________  __/__  /________      __
____  /| |_  /__  ___/_  /_ __  /_  __ \_ | /| / /
___  ___ |  / _  /   _  __/ _  / / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /
 _/_/  |_/_/  /_/    /_/    /_/  \____/____/|__/
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,703] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,710] {} INFO - Starting the scheduler
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,710] {} INFO - Running execute loop for -1 seconds
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,710] {} INFO - Processing each file at most -1 times
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,710] {} INFO - Searching for files in /home/ash/airflow/dags
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,711] {} INFO - There are 1 files in /home/ash/airflow/dags
[2020-05-01 09:48:55,715] {} WARNING - AstronomerVersionCheck tables are missing (plugin not installed at upgradedb time?). No update checks will be performed


airflow-1-10-7 ❯ airflow webserver
[2020-05-01 09:48:40,265] {} INFO - settings.configure_orm(): Using pool settings. pool_size=5, max_overflow=10, pool_recycle=1800, pid=1777872
  ____________       _____________
 ____    |__( )_________  __/__  /________      __
____  /| |_  /__  ___/_  /_ __  /_  __ \_ | /| / /
___  ___ |  / _  /   _  __/ _  / / /_/ /_ |/ |/ /
 _/_/  |_/_/  /_/    /_/    /_/  \____/____/|__/
[2020-05-01 09:48:42,455] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2020-05-01 09:48:42,456] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /dev/null
[2020-05-01 09:48:42,791] {} WARNING - AstronomerVersionCheck tables are missing (plugin not installed at upgradedb time?). No update checks will be performed
[2020-05-01 09:48:42,791] {} INFO - Start syncing user roles.
[2020-05-01 09:48:42,920] {} INFO - Fetching a set of all permission, view_menu from FAB meta-table
[2020-05-01 09:48:43,048] {} INFO - Cleaning faulty perms
Running the Gunicorn Server with:
Workers: 4 sync
Timeout: 120
Logfiles: - -