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Header keyword mapping #4

Open gijsverdoeskleijn opened 3 years ago

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

Dear @nadsabha and @wkausch ,

We had a first look at micado.json. To make progress we need your input:

Cheers, @hugobuddel and Gijs

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Files in older /IJ_FF/ ( are spectroscopic flats in the IJ band. I am not sure what is the difference between the different files as the names refer to different number of mirrors (?): IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_1.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_2.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_3.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_4.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_5.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_6.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_7.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_8.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_9.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_10.fits

Files in folder /IJ_Setup/ ( are: IJ_FF_pinh.fits : a spectroscopic flat through equally spaced pinholes IJ_mpia_pinh.fits : seems empty!!!? XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits : MPIA line lamp spectra, for wavelength calibration freq_comb_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits : artificial frequency comb spectra (to test the output of the wavelength calibration from PyReduce after we get it running) gd153_IJ_shift-0.fits : not sure what this is besides that it is a long slit.

wkausch commented 3 years ago
nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Then how is this file 'IJ_mpia_pinh.fits' different from 'XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits'?

wkausch commented 3 years ago

The first is line lamps through the pinholes whereas the second one is line lamps through the entire slit (Memo to myself: use more descriptive filenames ;-) ). I can't have a look right now, but the lines in the latter should be along the entire slit, whereas in the first there should be only points along the slit

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Ok. That's true they are along the entire slit for 'XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits'. It is the 'IJ_mpia_pinh.fits' that was not clear what it is. For IJ_mpia_pinh.fits I still see nothing. Yes, we may need to create another one for PyReduce if it cannot recognize it.

wkausch commented 3 years ago

OK, I'll have to look into it again.

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Below is an updated list description: (after feedback from @wkausch). All files are in the IJ band for the short slit.

Files in folder /IJ_FF/ ( are spectroscopic flats in the IJ band created with different number of mirrors. One file would be enough for PyReduce as a Master Flat. /IJ_FF/ IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_1.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_2.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_3.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_4.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_5.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_6.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_7.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_8.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_9.fits IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_10.fits

Files in folder /IJ_Setup/ (

/IJ_Setup/ IJ_FF_pinh.fits : a spectroscopic flat through equally spaced pinholes IJ_mpia_pinh.fits : MPIA line lamp spectra through equally spaced pinholes. Lines not visible with FITS viewer and may need to be recreated. XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits : MPIA line lamp spectra through the entire slit freq_comb_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits : artificial frequency comb spectra (to test the output of the wavelength calibration from PyReduce after we get it running) gd153_IJ_shift-0.fits : Spectrum of flux standard GD153 in the IJ. (not necessary for PyReduce main tasks)

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

Thanks @nadsabha and @wkausch for the clarifications. This morning I understood that you plan to do order detection, rectification and wavelength calibration first on one trace in J or H with a suitable set of arclamp lines. I now see there is no simulated HK H is not an option. Based on that and clarifications above, I then make this guess on what is the answer to my request: establish the list of files that PyReduce needs as input:

  1. for order detection: as specified in Calibration Plan section a spectroscopic flatfield for order detection. You argue that for now it suffices to use just one, let's say IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_1.fits. That sounds ok to me.
  2. for order rectification: as specified in Calib Plan section and section that requires two observations through the slit consisting of pinholes: one with continuum flafield lamp and with linelamp. Only option for continuum flatfield lamp with an OK content is IJ_FF_pinh.fits. Question to @nadsabha and @wkausch : I assume you need the pinholes along the full length of the slit used in 1, correct? If so: does IJ_FF_pinh.fits indeed have that? We have hit a problem that we have no good simulated observation of linelamp through pinholes: @wkausch : I hope you can make that in coming few days so that Nadeen is not slowed down. If Oliver needs to make that please let him do that before he goes on holiday. Another worry I now have is that PyReduce does not work on data through slits that are actually not slits but a series of pinholes...@nadsabha: what is your view on that?
  3. for wavelength calibration: as specified in Calib Plan section you need a linelamp observation through a slit. Question to @nadsabha : am I correct that you first need to execute PyReduce steps for 1. and 2. because that output (parameters for order detection and rectification) is required as input for wavelength calibration because you need to detect and rectify the traces in your linelamp observation? If so that means you need linelamp observation through the same slit as used in the observations used in 1. and 2. Is it indeed the same slit for observations used in 1,2, and 3? We have two FITS files with linelamp-through-slit observations. Do I understand you want to find a wavelength solution first on req_comb_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits because you expect that to work for sure given the nice density of lines? And after that the linelamp observation XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits which I assume is closer to what we expect to get from MICADO with its penray lamps in J band?

Please review and correct my guess on needed FITS files. Once that is done I and @hugobuddel can continue to help checking that micado.json correctly maps the FITS header keywords or hardcodes a value for these FITS files.

Lastly, if we cannot get it to work on J-band because of J-band issues, I am hesitant to do it on I band. Reason: MICADO is primarily intended for JHK spectroscopic science. So to be aware of potential risks on completing in time: @wkausch how much time would you need to make HK simulated data for above steps 1,2 and 3?

wkausch commented 3 years ago

ad 2 (quick answer): PyReduce test data contain such pinhole frames, so I don't see a reason why they shouldn't work with ours

wkausch commented 3 years ago

ad 3) HK is available, but it seems not to be on google drive

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

ad 2 (quick answer): PyReduce test data contain such pinhole frames, so I don't see a reason why they shouldn't work with ours

Great, that is a relief. Sorry that I did not recall that....I'm clearly not an expert on PyReduce.

ad 3) HK is available, but it seems not to be on google drive.

Another relief: please add them to googledrive, with a README of what is what for Nadeen.

Thanks @wkausch !

wkausch commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to redo the pinhole frames now. Not sure why they're so weird.... The FF pinhole fames look nice... but I have some ideas what to try

wkausch commented 3 years ago

@nadsabha: I created a new IJ-linelamp pinhole frame. You can grab it from here:

Please have a look. If you use -300 and 1600 as cuts you can see the pinhole dots very well. I hope that is fine for you & pyreduce ;-). There seems to be a bug in SpecCADO, so I had to find a workaround.

@gijsverdoeskleijn: if (I find out how to do) & (when I'm at the office due to connection speed) & (when I remember it) I'll upload HK stuff to google drive else please remind me

hugobuddel commented 3 years ago

I would be better able to assist with the header conversion if we could create a single folder on google drive that contains a single full set of data to be used as input for PyReduce. It doesn't have to be perfect / complete yet; we can iterate on it. The UVES datasets all have official ESO names (that is, with just the observation date); we can use more descriptive names.

Could you make a directory like that @nadsabha ?

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

@nadsabha and @wkausch ,

Gentle reminder to review my draft of the list of files that shall be in the "simulation data for spectro critical algorithm prorotoypes" directory, which is a good suggestion from Hugo.

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago


@nadsabha: I created a new IJ-linelamp pinhole frame. You can grab it from here:

Please have a look. If you use -300 and 1600 as cuts you can see the pinhole dots very well. I hope that is fine for you & pyreduce ;-). There seems to be a bug in SpecCADO, so I had to find a workaround.

@gijsverdoeskleijn: if (I find out how to do) Click on the "+ NEW" button top left:

Screenshot 2021-06-25 at 07 15 45

& (when I'm at the office due to connection speed) & (when I remember it)

I'll upload HK stuff to google drive else please remind me

@wkausch : gentle reminder ;-)

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay @gijsverdoeskleijn. Regarding your comments/questions:

The google drive data were not meant to be representative of the entire simulated datasets. It was to get started with PyReduce in the IJ band, which once that works one can then move on to other bands. For the initial and different prototyping approach we had in 2019 and beginning of 2020, I have created a set of spectral FF data in HK, J & I band |(long and short slit) and also through the pinholes for the short slit. I used the same setup then as @wkausch, however some data have been created after my data in the past months and for consistency it is better to use the newer sets which @wkausch will upload.

Ad 2) yes IJ_FF_pinh.fits have the pinholes along the entire slit. Ad 3) I would use first the XeArKrNe+FPI_0.8-2.6mum_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits because that is the more realistic one, which also matches the micado.npz file (the wavelength calibration initial guess file I'm creating). The other file freq_comb_1.0_x_lam_step_sim_IJ_shift-0.fits is an artificial line list equally spaced in wavelength intended to test accuracy of the procedure.

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

@hugobuddel, yes for operating PyReduce the data need to be eventually all in one directory. I didn't do it so far since that stage is not there yet and other things needed for operating PyReduce take priority. But since you need that already, I have copied the needed files to the new directory raw.

General note, I'm skeptic that we can continue using google drive this way. I shouldn't upload from my end since I have already reached 80% of my storage. (anything I create or upload takes from my limited storage space)

hugobuddel commented 3 years ago

Thank you @nadsabha ! This list makes it easier to figure out what actually needs to be done w.r.t. the header translation.

W.r.t. using Google drive; I'm open for alternatives. I think it is very valuable to have a shared place where we can share such datasets so we are sure we all use the exact same data. For me personally, preventing discussions and effort to keep data synchronized is definitely worth the 20 euro per year that 20 GB costs at Google. (I don't particularly like Google, but for this it is good enough for me.)

For now I have renamed your folder to raw_old, created a new folder called raw (was raw2 before) and copied the 5 files from raw_old to raw. So now they are counted to my quota, since I have enough space. I deleted raw_old (your directory), but it said it only removed it from 'my view' and that you still have it. You can remove it to reclaim your space I think.

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Thank you @hugobuddel for changing the files to your quota. I agree it is best to have all the data in one space accessible to all involved. What I should have mentioned is that I work personally on Dropbox and have plenty of space there in my subscription. I could then share the data folder from there if all of us are ok with that.

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

@wkausch : I now give back to you the lead to complete the header keyword mapping activity in support of Nadeen. The files for which it needs to work are in this googledrive dir raw. But feel free to reach out to @hugobuddel and me with questions on it.

gijsverdoeskleijn commented 3 years ago

@nadsabha : thanks for the Dropbox offer. Now that we have this googledrive dir raw in place no need to go to Dropbox.

wkausch commented 3 years ago

It was to get started with PyReduce in the IJ band, which once that works one can then move on to other bands.

OK, so I'll wait with the upload of the HK data

wkausch commented 3 years ago

@gijsverdoeskleijn & @hugobuddel : Can you give me a brief update how far you could come with the header keyword mapping? Then I'll prcoeed from that point on. I downloaded already the files.

@nadsabha Where's the micado.json file for the header stuff? BTW: It won't make a big difference, but I'll use Pyreduce v0.4.29, which was released Jun22.

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

It should be this one micado.json.

wkausch commented 3 years ago

Thx. BTW: Are you using Method 1 or Method 2?

I guess #2?

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

yes 2.

hugobuddel commented 3 years ago

@gijsverdoeskleijn & @hugobuddel : Can you give me a brief update how far you could come with the header keyword mapping? Then I'll prcoeed from that point on. I downloaded already the files.

Not that much farther than Kieran got, indeed in , because we didn't have a clear list of raw data to which to apply this mapping to.

wkausch commented 3 years ago

@nadsabha I updated the keyword stuff in the micado.json file (see the raw google folder). Unfortunately, I have not the overview which data pyreduce exactly requires, but I followed the pyreduce xshooter approach: The format-check files ("id_format" in micado.json) -I assume- are the linelamp-pinhole frames. The other files need a keyword to be identifed ("kw_xxxx") and a corrsponding value of this keyword ("id_xxxx"). Here I implemented the following allocation:

"kw_flat": "HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE" with "id_flat": "SFLAT" (these keywords we defined in the DRLD) "kw_curvature": "HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE" with "id_curvature": "WAVE" etc...following the xsh example (see micado.json)

In case this doesn't work you need to adapt it to the needs of pyreduce. I'm afraid I'm not a great help here since I don't know what pyreduce expects. I propose you contact Ansgar Wehrhan in case there are major troubles.

I also updated the fits headers of the simulations to contain the corresponding keywords (and renamed them also for more clarity ;-) ). They are on the google raw-dir drive:

IJ_FF_newheaders.fits: spectroscopic flatfield IJ_FF_pinh_newheaders.fits: pinhole frames with the flatfiled lamp IJ_mpia_newheaders.fits: linelamp spectrum full slit IJ_mpia_pinh_newheaders.fits: pinhole frame with the line lamps IJ_freqcomb_newheaders.fits: frequency comb spectrum ("science" target)

Hope that helps :-).

wkausch commented 3 years ago

The old-new file mapping should be: [new] [old] IJ_FF_newheaders.fits = IJ_FF_nummirrors=0_1.fits IJ_FF_pinh_newheaders.fits = IJ_FF_pinh.fits IJ_mpia_newheaders.fits = XeArKrNe+FPI.......fits IJ_mpia_pinh_newheaders.fits = IJ_mpia_pinh_new.fits IJ_freqcomb_newheaders.fits = freq_comb1.0......fits

So you can remove the old ones (are stored locally at my machine)

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

Thank you @wkausch. I removed the duplicate older files (I also have them locally stored).

The directory raw has now the files: IJ_FF_newheaders.fits: spectroscopic flatfield IJ_FF_pinh_newheaders.fits: pinhole frames with the flatfiled lamp IJ_mpia_newheaders.fits: linelamp spectrum full slit IJ_mpia_pinh_newheaders.fits: pinhole frame with the line lamps IJ_freqcomb_newheaders.fits: frequency comb spectrum ("science" target)

@hugobuddel: I have placed the micado.json file that @wkausch modified (which you'll need for the instrument class file) in this directory PyReduceFiles under the parent directory PyReduce_DATA that we all have access to.

hugobuddel commented 3 years ago

Perhaps we can place the files that should go into PyReduce (like micado.json) directly in this repository. Even better if we place them directly in the location they should end up, because that's what we need to be able to run the code anyway.

nadsabha commented 3 years ago

@hugobuddel please see, the updated micado.json file is in this repository.