astronomyk / SimCADO

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Throws an error when simulating full detector array with no sources outer fields #68

Closed astronomyk closed 4 years ago

astronomyk commented 5 years ago

Why? Try to reproduce

gbcaminha commented 5 years ago

lam, spec = simcado.source.SED("starburst", filter_name="Ks", magnitude=20)

im_sersic = simcado.source.sersic_profile(r_eff = 100, width=10024, \
                                          height=10024, \
                                         x_offset=200, y_offset=200)

im_spiral_2 = simcado.source.spiral_profile(r_eff = 100, width=1024, \
                                         x_offset=0, y_offset=0)

lam = lam

my_src = simcado.source.source_from_image(images=im_sersic, lam=lam, spectra=spec, plate_scale=0.004)

my_run_cmds = simcado.UserCommands()

my_run_cmds["OBS_EXPTIME"] = 3600
my_run_cmds["OBS_NDIT"] = 1
my_run_cmds["FPA_CHIP_LAYOUT"] = "full", filename="my_image.fits", cmds=my_run_cmds)
miguelverdugo commented 5 years ago

I can reproduce it.
I guess that an empty array is being passed to scipy.ndimage.sum but I'd time to dig out the problem

As a workaround I'd suggest to set sub_pixel=True in until we can debug it

oczoske commented 4 years ago

The example code is running without throwing an error now. I close the issue.