astropy / SPISEA

Stellar Population Synthesis Modeling
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extending the MIST age grid to 13.7 Gyr #66

Closed jajohnson51 closed 1 year ago

jajohnson51 commented 2 years ago

It would be very helpful to have the MIST grid extended to cover the oldest clusters, so essentially all the way to age of the Universe, instead of ending at 10 billion years. Would that be possible? Thanks, Jennifer Johnson

mwhosek commented 2 years ago

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for your interest in SPISEA! Yes, it looks like it is certainly possible to extend the MIST grid to older cluster ages. It would entail downloading the older cluster isochrones from the MIST website, adding it to our SPISEA evolution model directory, and then making a few small tweaks of the MIST evolution model object. Due to work schedules, we may need a week or two to fully propagate this change through everything.

In the meantime, would SPISEA's Parsec stellar evolution model grid be useful for you? It does extend to ~13 Gyr, although it is currently limited to solar metallicities only.

Thanks, Matt

jajohnson51 commented 2 years ago

Hi Matt, Thanks for the info on the Parsec grid and for updates on the MIST models. I would rather have the spread in metallicity and just lump all the old things together for the time being, so I'll happily keep using the current MIST ones. Jennifer

mwhosek commented 2 years ago

Hi Jennifer,

Sounds good! Sorry for the delay on schedule has been swamped the past few weeks. But, I will let you know as soon as we have the extended MIST grid pushed up into the main code release.


mwhosek commented 2 years ago

Hi Jennifer,

Sorry for the long delay in this! But, I'm happy to report that we've finally extended the MIST evolution model grid to span logAge = 5.0 -- 10.30, the full age range the MIST folks offer. SPISEA v2.1.4 (just released) has this update. Note that in addition to getting the updated code via git pull origin main in your spisea code directory, you'll also need to redownload the spisea_models.tar.gz file from the installation page and unzip the contents in your models directory in order to get the new functionality.

Thanks again for your suggestion! Let us know if you run into any trouble with the code update. Matt