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Writing isochrones when a folder does not exist #8

Closed MichaelMedford closed 4 years ago

MichaelMedford commented 4 years ago

I have on more than one occasion generated an isochrone and upon attempting to save it, been hit with the following error:

/u/jlu/code/python/PopStar/popstar/ in make_photometry(self, rebin, vega)
    829         if self.save_file != None:
--> 830             self.points.write(self.save_file, overwrite=True)
    832         return
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/u/Michael/data/popsycle_run/isochrones/iso_5.01_0.00_00010_p00.fits'

Would you consider adding in something like the following in order to avoid this error:

isochrones_dir = '%s/isochrones' % output_dir

if not os.path.exists(isochrones_dir):

This error occurs just when the isochrone is attempting to save when the folder that it is trying to write into does not exist.

mwhosek commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! synthetic.IsochronePhot will now make the user-specified iso_dir if it does not already exist. This small change has been added to the master branch, so you should be able to pull down the changes.