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Roles: Audit all existing titles and membership #519

Open pllim opened 1 year ago

pllim commented 1 year ago

Motivation: Over the years, the Project has evolved more quickly than roles.json (that renders to can be updated. As a result, there are now roles that do not exist anymore (or inactive) and people who do not really fill existing roles anymore. I would like to submit a series of PRs to update this listing, or at least put the roles in discussion.

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Also might be relevant:

Existing roles (as of 2023-03-06):

mhvk commented 1 year ago

For distributions, that is only useful it if includes which distributions the person(s) is/are responsible for.

mhvk commented 1 year ago

For coordinates, I think @eteq has been rather inactive (likely despite himself), as has @adrn. @StuartLittlefair and @eerovaher are active.

uncertainties is indeed a bit inactive, though I've had a few PRs recently. @eteq has not been involved in it recently (wish he were, as perhaps does he!). One of quite a few where a co-maintainer would help... (@byrdie and @nstarman are generally interested in it)

For utils, similarly more people would be useful. For utils.masked, @nstarman has been contributing. For utils.iers, @taldcroft has contributed quite a bit.

mhvk commented 1 year ago

More high-level, thanks for doing this! I hope the developer survey helps clarify some bits; agreed that we should remove people from the list if they are inactive -- without prejudice of course!

byrdie commented 1 year ago

I'd be certainly be interested in co-maintaining uncertainties, but I can't say that I've contributed to that subpackage yet.

pllim commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I don't expect everything will be resolved in a blink. I will certainly consider all the comments here when I bring this to CoCo and wherever we have to discuss.

mhvk commented 1 year ago

@byrdie - understood - my comment was a bit more an expression of hope for the future!

byrdie commented 1 year ago

@mhvk, agreed! I'm just eager to help in any way I can.

hamogu commented 1 year ago

In my opinion, we needs to distinguish between credit for work and a "contract list" like a phone book. To me, the team page is meant to the latter and thus there are a number of roles on there that are pretty small in terms of hours/year. For example see, where we tweaked " web page maintainer", to make it clear whom to contact for DNS upkeep and configuration. That's way, way less work than e.g. maintaining infrastructure, but if I have a problem with the DNS configuration, I need to know whom to talk to.

Another example is having sub-roles for distributions. Originally, every distribution had a sub-role, like "Debian maintainer", "arch linux maintainer", "macports maintainer" etc. Then, we decided that that gives way too much weight to tasks that are almost automatic (@olebole contributes a lot back to astropy form Debian's tests on exotic architectures, but most maintainers just update the version number every now and then) and we removed the sub-roles. The result is that the entry is now almost pointless, because we don't even know why some of those names are on there.

So, the question for what's listed as a role or sub-role should not be "how much work is it?" but "Is this a distinct task where someone might need contact information for the person doing that task?" For that, I would support linking contact information (e.g. email or slack channel or GH handle, depending on the role). The infrastructure team is well organized, talks to each other and coordinates among themselves who does what, so one contact is sufficient. On the other hand, the twitter person won't be able to help with a discourse configuration issue or the other way around, so they are listed as separate sub-roles.

In contrast, the credit for work is on

I'm all for cleaning this up in a systematic effort, but we have to take care not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

pllim commented 1 year ago

distinguish between credit for work and a "contract list" like a phone book

I don't know what people really use this page for but it is apparently high visibility. Personally, I only look at the subpackage section so I know who to bug to review PRs. But I have also heard others use this page "as CVs" (unconfirmed). So, we cannot tell people how to use this page, but rather we should try to reflect the state of task assignments without appear to overly emphasizing a subset of them. is a totally different beast. You can spend a lot of time maintaining something and not end up on that page until years later. If that is the sole "metric" we use for "credit for work," I would worry.

whom to contact for DNS upkeep

This is almost a security risk. I don't think we should even mention it publicly any server-side or account specific info (that includes Twitter).

The infrastructure team is well organized

Just because one part is well organized now does not mean it will be in a month. That is the inherent risk of OSS where people come and go. We should not give more "air time" (for lack of better words, it is late here) to things because they are not well organized. Therefore, I disagree with this being a reason on whether something end up on the page or not.

This reply also applies to .

take care not to throw out the baby with the bathwater

I agree, though I think a lot of debates will occur on which one is the baby and which one the bathwater. 😹

hamogu commented 1 year ago

whom to contact for DNS upkeep This is almost a security risk. I don't think we should even mention it publicly any server-side or account specific info (that includes Twitter).

But then, how do project members know whom to ask? Needs to written down somewhere?

hamogu commented 1 year ago

The infrastructure team is well organized

Just because one part is well organized now does not mean it will be in a month.

Sure. But when that happens, and the tasks get split over more people we can add more roles again. This is a living document, pretty easy to change again.

mhvk commented 1 year ago

Like @hamogu and you, I mostly use the page to find out who to ping (and mostly for the core subpackages). All the suggested changes seem to be just to clarify that, which I think is a good idea. Let's not worry about how else the page may used outside of astropy.

eteq commented 1 year ago

@pllim web page maintainer

This is the maintainer in the sense of a sub-package, someone who maintains the repo and so on. This also includes DNS, etc. The sites.json is nominally part of that, but it's a lot harder to keep up with than some of the other stuff. Maybe we should add a separate sites.json role to highlight that's extra additional work? (And e.g., I would not put myself there since I haven't had enough time to keep up with it)

SarveshVGharat commented 1 year ago

I didn't see anything related to AstroPy in GSOC 2023 list of projects. Can anyone confirm if there are some openings through GSOC or not?

hamogu commented 1 year ago

@SarveshVGharat : Astropy does not participate in GSCO 2023.

pllim commented 1 year ago

I got feedback from several different people. Seems like there are very different opinions on what this page represents and what should or should not be on it. I think I need to step back a little and look at the bigger picture first. 💭