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Regarding FITS standard definition for 'Jy/beam' #13217

Closed spectram closed 1 year ago

spectram commented 2 years ago

Astropy unit definition for Jy/beam currently exports it as 'beam-1 Jy' from astropy import units as u (u.Jy/u.beam).to_string('FITS') 'beam-1 Jy'

This is contrary to how most radio astronomy packages define the unit. 'Jy/beam' seems to be the accepted convention. The space after beam-1 makes parsing needlessly cumbersome as well. Is this something that can be fixed? See related issues opened in SpectralCube and SoFiA2.

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pllim commented 2 years ago

Err what does the FITS standards paper(s) have to say about this?

spectram commented 2 years ago This one mentions 'Jy/beam' as an example. But the unit is not defined anywhere in the document.

saimn commented 2 years ago

beam-1 Jy is a valid FITS unit. I think the -1 is preferred by Astropy because using more than one / is discouraged, but @mhvk has probably more to say about this.

mhvk commented 2 years ago

Hmm, that may be valid but I agree it is not the most readable! It is also a bit odd that the generic format, i.e., with (u.Jy/u.beam).to_string(), one gets 'Jy / beam' .

@spectram - would 'Jy beam-1' be sufficiently better? I think that might be relatively straightforward to implement, and at least easier than trying to work with /. Though I should add that I have not actually looked at the code in units/format/, nor do I see much time for it in the near future... But a PR that solves this more or less generally would certainly be welcome!

vdhulst commented 2 years ago

Writing `Jy beam-1' would already make infinitely more sense. It may be good to point out that all major radio observatories/software packages use Jy/beam as unit so in principle that is the preferred way for now. The IAU has Jy as recognised unit, but does not stipulate anything about Jy/beam ( Beam is mentioned as a 'miscellaneous unit' table 4 in the FITS document

AlecThomson commented 1 year ago

Hey all,

I just wanted to bump this thread, if possible. Astropy does seem to be the outlier here since (as already mentioned) CASA, wsclean, YandaSoft, etc. all produce images with

BUNIT   = 'Jy/beam '           / Brightness (pixel) unit

Looking at the WCS papers, notably Table 3: image a number of string-denoted operations are supported. So the FITS standard could be any of:

Jy beam**-1
Jy beam^-1

It would be really nice to have the last option be the default. This would also help the downstream packages, as mentioned in the OP.

EDIT: Reading further down gives some explicit examples:

A unit raised to a power is indicated by the unit string followed, with no intervening blanks, by the optional symbols ** or ˆ followed by the power given as a nu- meric expression, called expr in Table 3. The power may be a simple integer, with or without sign, optionally surrounded by parentheses. It may also be a decimal number (e.g., 1.5, .5) or a ratio of two integers (e.g. 7/9), with or without sign, which are always surrounded by parentheses. Thus meters squared is indicated by m**(2), m**+2, m+2, m2, mˆ2, mˆ(+2), etc. and per meter cubed is indicated by m**-3, m-3, mˆ(-3), /m3, and so forth. Meters to the three halves may be indicated by m(1.5), mˆ(1.5), m**(1.5), m(3/2), m**(3/2), and mˆ(3/2), but not by mˆ3/2 or m1.5. Note that functions such as log actually require dimen- sionless arguments, so, by log(Hz), for example, we actually mean log(x/1Hz). The final string to be given as the value of CUNIT ia is the compound string, or a compound of com- pounds, preceded by an optional numeric multiplier of the form 10**k, 10ˆk, or 10±k where k is an integer, optionally sur- rounded by parentheses with the sign character required in the third form in the absence of parentheses. FITS writers are en- couraged to use the numeric multiplier only when the available standard scale factors of Table 4 will not suffice. Parentheses are used for symbol grouping and are strongly recommended whenever the order of operations might be subject to misin- terpretation. A blank character implies multiplication which can also be conveyed explicitly with an asterisk or a period. Therefore, although blanks are allowed as symbol separators, their use is discouraged. Two examples are ’10**(46)erg/s’ and ’sqrt(erg/pixel/s/GHz)’. Note that case is signif- icant throughout. The IAU style manual forbids the use of more than one solidus (/) character in a units string. In the present conventions, normal mathematical precedence rules are assumed to apply, and we, therefore, allow more than one solidus. However, authors might wish to consider, for exam- ple, ’sqrt(erg/(pixel.s.GHz))’ instead of the form given previously.

So beam-1 Jy, Jy beam-1 and Jy/beam are all valid in FITS. But, I've found in practice reading from the former yields UnreconizedUnit(beam-1 Jy). I would argue that the latter is the most readable (subjective, yes). But it has also become the de-facto standard.

pllim commented 1 year ago

Since CASA is mentioned, I am obligated to ping @keflavich . 😸

keflavich commented 1 year ago

Yeah I'll put my weight behind the rest here: Jy/beam is the most readable, followed by Jy beam^(-1) and its variants. We read the unit as "Janksys per beam" out loud (and in my head).

beam is itself a horrendous unit that is incredibly useful, which is likely why it's overlooked in IAU rules.

I think we have broad consensus here that some alternative that puts inverse beam after Jy is desired, so we just need an implementation.

keflavich commented 1 year ago

To help get this rolling: beam comes before Jy because of this alphabetization:

Past that, I'm not sure what the preferred way is to fix this. I don't see an obvious place to inject specific exceptions to this rule.

mhvk commented 1 year ago

Note that generic actually does this right (because positive powers come first, I think.

Anyway, I think there is general consensus that ideally it be Jy / beam and at the very least Jy beam-1. It all boils down to the question who has time to actually implement it...

mhvk commented 1 year ago

See #14439 for a possible fix.