astropy / astroquery

Functions and classes to access online data resources. Maintainers: @keflavich and @bsipocz and @ceb8
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ENH: Better align jplhorizons with the corresponding API #2923

Open mkelley opened 8 months ago

mkelley commented 8 months ago

My experience with the current jplhorizons sub-module suggests to me that it requires more maintenance than what I think is ideal. In addition, since it was written astroquery, astropy, and Horizons have evolved substantially, including the publication of a versioned Horizons API. I am attempting to write a new jplhorizons module from scratch that is at its heart aligned with the Horizons API as closely as possible, but also taking advantage of key astropy/astroquery infrastructure. I also want a user to be able to primarily refer to the Horizons documentation to develop their query, then implement it with astroquery as seamlessly as possible.

For the moment, I'm calling this new implementation Horizons2.

Some design goals:

  1. method names closely map to Horizons ephemeris (output) types, e.g., Horizons2.query_observer for EPHEM_TYPE=OBSERVER, see
  2. named method arguments and keyword arguments would be used to form the object query, i.e., the API's COMMAND parameter, see
  3. an additional keyword argument would be used to specify the center of the coordinate system (e.g., the observer for an ephemeris), and could handle astropy EarthLocation objects
  4. the usual astroquery keyword arguments will be respected, e.g., get_query_payload= and cache=
  5. all other parameters are unnamed keyword arguments passed on to Horizons as is
  6. the returned data will be packaged into an astropy Table without any column renaming and including all relevant metadata in the Table.meta attribute
  7. columns will be given units as appropriate
  8. columns with dates will be converted to Time objects
  9. when practical, sky coordinates will be copied to an additional column and packaged as astropy SkyCoord objects, with the appropriate reference frame defined
  10. it should be aware of which Horizons API version it supports and will raise a warning or an error if the API response does not match an expected value

Ultimately, I'd like to more easily support all of Horizon's features, future-proof or at least simplify most minor version updates to the Horizons API, and keep the majority of the maintenance limited to astropy+astroquery version support.

This issue is intended to announce the development of Horizons2 and to collect questions and feedback. I have a branch started at: Time frame for completion is probably six to twelve months.

mkelley commented 8 months ago

And, here are some code examples that I am trying to design to:


        Object specifications:

        >>> from astroquery.jplhorizons import Horizons2
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("Jupiter")
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("1", center="568")
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("europa", center="I41", id_type="name")
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("2P", id_type="designation")
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("2P",
        ...                          id_type="designation",
        ...                          closest_apparition=True)
        >>> Horizons2.query_observer("73P",
        ...                          id_type="designation",
        ...                          closest_apparition=True,
        ...                          fragments=False)
        >>> tab = Horizons2.query_observer(
        ...     "comet",
        ...     id_type="orbit",
        ...     epoch=Time(2450200.5, scale="tdb", format="jd"),
        ...     ec=0.8241907231263196,
        ...     qr=0.532013766859137 *,
        ...     tp=Time(2450077.480966184235, scale="tdb", format="jd"),
        ...     om=89.14262290335057 * u.deg,
        ...     w=326.0591239257098 * u.deg,
        ...     in=4.247821264821585 * u.deg,
        ...     a1=-5.113711376907895D-10 * / u.d**2,
        ...     a2=-6.288085687976327D-10 * / u.d**2)

        The observer (ephemeris center) can also be an

        >>> from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
        >>> college_park = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-76.9378 * u.deg,
        ...                                            38.9897 * u.deg,
        ...                                            21 * u.m)
        >>> tab = Horizons2.query_observer("Jupiter", center=college_park)

        Specifying time:

        >>> from astropy.time import Time
        >>> import astropy.units as u
        >>> tab = Horizons2.query_observer("Jupiter",
        ...                                start_time=Time("2023-12-11"),
        ...                                stop_time=Time("2023-12-12"),
        ...                                step_size=1 *
        >>> times = Time(["2023-12-11", "2023-12-20", "2024-01-08"])
        >>> tab = Horizons2.query_observer("Jupiter", tlist=times)
bsipocz commented 8 months ago

Thank you @mkelley for taking care of the jplephem module. I honestly think it's one of the most used modules (if not no1) and therefore people are running into more issues than with other ones.

Some big-picture thoughts, without going into your implementation details:

points 6 and 7: What do you think about using a QTable right away? The rest of the points sound totally reasonable!

mkelley commented 8 months ago

Thanks, @bsipocz . I agree with all your points! I'll try QTable first.